


3 years, 8 months ago


♡ Luciyen Tourmaline Eventide (Lucy) the vampire. She's the oldest of her sisters.

♡ She's a coldblooded, by the books, intimidating sort of vampire. Many urban legends and old fables surround her, and she's described in them as a "three-eyed monster", because she's so tall, her eyes and jewel both glow, and she only strikes at night.

♡ Lucy left home seeking revenge against the queen who killed her mother. The location and identity of the queen is unknown to her, she seems to have disappeared entirely, but Lucy is determined to find her. Despite her brooding and angsty personality she actually feels no sense of pride or enjoyment in what she does. She does however harbor a lot of anger and resentment towards her own late mother and the queen for the life she and her sisters were burdened with, and she aims to become stronger than either of them ever were.

♡ Most of her time is spent travelling from one town to the next, terrorizing the villagers as she goes. Lucy believes vampires should never remain in one place for long. She typically hides out in the shadows until night falls, and then she strikes. She seeks out magic users and wealthy individuals in the area by watching them silently during the day, and then she corners them at night, tormenting information out of them that might lead her to her goal. She almost always drains these people of their blood afterwards, unless it would be beneficial for them to live. Sparing their lives wouldn't provide a strong enough message should the information ever reach the queen. 

♡ Lucy's incredibly, ridiculously powerful, like, she's one of those impossibly op anime villains (except there is no protag to defeat her, she's just op and never loses) Although she holds some degree of sympathy and exception for some humans like women, children, or victims of abuse, she does not allow herself to make any hasty or inconvenient choices based on these feelings. She's most definitely the silent type. Her teeth are the sharpest, and she has the most control of her powers. She doesn't just float, she flies. 

♡ Claire calls her "Lulu", much to her dismay. She secretly has a weakness for bossy women. She's a stickler for the classic vampire look and attire. The little ghosts that follow the vampire sisters are terrified of her, as well as most animals, regrettably, as she likes animals more than humans. 

♡ She's got feelings for Esmeralda, the barista who works at the café above the candy store! Because Lucy doesn't live in the modern world, they only see each other occasionally. 

[The vampire sisters all come from an alternate timeline, that runs parallel to Letty's world. However, through the same ridiculous magic that brought Laine to the real world where Letty lives, her sisters are able to pop in and visit them through a door] 

♡ 27y/o 6'5" lesbian she/her

♡ Favorite Sweet: cheesecake

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