
Name Gabele
Age Teenager
Height 5' 2" / 158 cm
Gender Male (he/him)
Race Rabbit
Job Baker


  • Warmth
  • Kneading dough
  • Sweets
  • Sorting things


  • Being alone
  • Peppers
  • Bees
  • Messy workspaces

sweet . busybody . careful

A busy baker who runs a little delivery service in the East.

Gabele is a sweet kid with a talent for baking, specialising in cakes and buns. He runs a small home delivery service, delivering his homemade treats to residents via pedal-powered bike. With his housemate out for work for most of the day, it gets lonely waiting for him to come back home, so Gabele likes to go out for walks when he isn't busy to pass the time.

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