
3 years, 8 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Boone Jeremiah Reeds
Pronunciation: Boo-ne 
Nicknames: Booney
Age: 27
Birthday: July 15th
Species: Stickfigure
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6’0

.:Distinguishing features:.
Red stickfigure with crimson eyes and a black bandana. Wears Black cowboy hat with a red star in the front. He has black skin all the way up to his elbows on his arms (a skin defect). Has sharp teeth always showing them off by smiling and has a orange forked tongue. 

Current residence:Drustown
Current home: In a little shack just outside of town
Occupation: Bounty hunter
Relationship status: Single and looking
Social status: Bounty hunter,playboy,best sharpshooter in this 'ere town.

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Striker Helluva boss
Language: common
Other languages known: none
Style of speaking: verbal

.: Personality :.

Very flirty and arrogant Himbo. He loves mocking his enemies when in a gun fight. He prefers to see his bounty targets resist and try to run. But with the residents of Drustown he is in fact very sweet and and willing to help others out when they need it. He shows a very kind demeanor that shocks his friends outside of Drustown who only see him as the sadistic bounty hunter who love to play with the minds of his bounty. He also very funny knowing how to make people laugh except for Flashbang hes the only person who has never laughed at his jokes.

Likes: Smoking,drinking,joking around,women and men
Dislikes: Assholes,being out of alcohol, fakers
Hobbies/past times: Shooting cans and beer bottles from a long way,drinking
Guilty pleasures: To be in a meaning relationship for once
Pet peeves: People who think their hot shit but their not
Personal goals: to be the best sharp shooter ever and to make Flashbang laugh
Religious values: Believe in a god but believes that hes a shit head who like to watch us suffer
General intelligence: Very smart but dosen't show it 
General sociability: Very social loves making friends and 

.: Relationships :.

Mom and Dad


Friends (currently)

Love interest

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Decent at hand to hand but excels shooting and even without his special gun, he can hit a can sitting on a persons head from 500 meters by just eye balling it. He also mastered the quick draw being able to draw in half a second.
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: bare hands and his magic handcannon Outlaw

.: Abilities :.

-Magic hand cannon Outlaw-
A magical handcannon that has a ever filling amount of ammo as long as the will of the user is strong. Boone can summon the handcannon via telepathic communication he just has to think it and the gun will appear in his hand ready to fire. The guns ammo can very from normal bullets to explosive incendiary rounds at a moments notice. The gun bullets are glowing red and have no real form sort of like bullets of energy. If others try and take the gun it'll just disappear and reappear into Boones hand.Someone can hold the gun only if hes willing.

-Ocular illumination-
He can make his dark red eyes glow to look menacing.

.: Fears :.

He can't commit to a relationship even if it's a really good one for the fear of it will result in his last girlfriend dying at the hand of his enemies. 

.: Health :.

Boone has a slight alcohol problem. It gets worse when his parents die.


.: History :.



.: Other Details :.
