


3 years, 8 months ago


But don't give up on me, 'cause I'm just in a rut
name Cloudmover
age 3
gender Female
pronouns She/Her
species Nightwing
orientation N/A
Demeanor Upbeat

code jiko


Cloudmover, more affectionately known as Cloudy, is a young dragonet that survived the Nightwing Island erruption. She was injured in the erruption and lost one of her hind legs but Cloudy kept and still keeps her spirits and expectations high. Someone important to her told her that shadows can only be created by light, so she continued to look for her silver lining. She would eventually find it with her adoptive parents: Mantra and Pegasus. Cloudy doesn't know what happened to her birth parents, but Mantra and Pegasus were better than her birth parents ever were. Cloudy now lives a tranquil life in a cave near the outskirts of Possibility with her parents at home and her friends nearby!

Positive Traits
Strong-willed, Optimistic, Determined
Negative Traits
Clingy, Self-Doubting, Paranoid


Cloudy admittedly doesn't remember much from when she was living at home with her parents and brother. She does remember her parents never had time for them and were constantly working on feeding the household despite never bringing much food home. Cloudy and her brother were underweight and sickly on the nightwing island, but Cloudy especially. Her throat and chest hurt often and her breaths were mostly wheezes. In fact, it got worse the days before the Nightwing erruption. Cloudy tried to evacuate, but fell behind as her chest tightened and throat refused to let her get enough oxygen to continue running or flying. The blast only managed to mangle one of her legs before talons grabbed her and threw her through the exit of the tunnel that connected to the rainforest. When Cloudy woke up, she was in a rainwing healer hut with her leg amputated and still unable to properly breathe.

Once the wounds on Cloudy were dressed and she was conscious, the healers kicked her out of the healers huts due to the intense flow of new patients. She waited for someone to come pick her up, but neither parent nor her brother showed up to claim her. The little dragonet's sorrowful wails for someone to come get her caught the attention of Chamomile, a specialty healer. He took Cloudy to his hut and began to work on her. His methods kept Cloudy in good spirits and even better health. As time passed, she found the constricting and painful feeling in her throat and chest were finally subsiding and for the first time in her life, Cloudy could freely breathe.

The tragedy of the nightwing island brought Mantra, Chamomile's daughter to the area. Upon learning of Cloudy, the young dragonet was taken in by Mantra. It wasn't soon after that Cloudy was introduced to Pegasus as well. Though Cloudy still struggles with her health, whether it be her airways constricting if she gets too active or physically irritated, or inflammation in her joints, but she's an unbreakable little dragonet with a strong will to live no matter what gets thrown at her.

  • Cloudmover has a form of asthma
  • She has autism, synesthesia, and PTSD
  • Cloudy has a special interest in weather, and has piles of scrolls in her room attempting to predict weather and guides she's written on how other dragons could possibly predict weather.
  • Cloudmover was attempted to be fitted for a prosthetic multiple times, but found it easier to walk round without it on. Whenever her joints begin to struggle, she takes a break. She personally finds prosthetics uncomfortable and hard to learn after walking on three legs for so long.
  • Cloudy is somewhat afraid to take risks that could further damage her health. Though she knows of the dignity of risk, she leans back on her caretakers hard to the point she isn't entirely sure of her own limits and capabilities.
  • In Cloudy's room in her cave, she has a drawer of keepsakes from different places she's visited. There's a noticable lack of any sort of nightwing or darkly colored memorabilia.

Music Box
Find us a trap door, find us a plane
Tell the survivors, help is on the way
I was a blind fool, I never complained
All the survivors singing in the rain
I was the one with the world at my feet
Goddess of battle, leave it up to me