


3 years, 8 months ago



  • NAME Lillyhop
  • ALIAS Lil
  • STATUS alive
  • AGE 7
  • PRONOUNS she/her
  • RACE žaba/fairy
  • ROLE none
  • FAMILY Ysil (father)
    Brekeke (father)
    Brevi (brother)
  • OBTAINED created
  • VALUE NOT for sale
  • HC / RP open!


Lillyhop is the second child and only daughter of the Fairy King, Ysil, and his husband, Brekeke. As most žaba are, she was born a tadpole, a mere head and tail. Recently however, she has started to sprout arms and legs, and has become horribly fascinated with the concept of touching absolutely everything around her. Loving the feel of mud especially as she squishes it between her grubby little hands. This also means she has little concept of personal space and happens to make a mess almost everywhere she goes. She can often been seen copying the movements and gesutures of her family members playfully as she gets use to her newly formed hands.

She is highly outgoing yet seems to be very shy in the presence of others, hiding behind the legs of her father's. Wanting to be invovled but too afraid to say so. However, given some time she starts opening up and you will have a small warm presence by your side. Yet, she appears more apprehensive around humans, avoidig them almost entirely. Taking the words of Brekeke and the stories of Ysil more to heart then her older brother, Brevi, who seems more interested curious in meeting them.


   Lillyhop was named by her father, Ysil. He named her after his favorite flower and Brekeke's favorite activity. He's not good at naming things but Brekeke didn't say no either, so...

   She is horribly afraid of humans and is always asking her father's to look for them under her bed.

   Lillyhop loves exploring the world for new sensations and feelings with her hands, she never strays too far from her fathers. You can always see her scurrying back to them hurridly when she hears a noise.

   While she takes more after Brekeke appearance wise, her personality is more like that of Ysil's, who she shows favor in spending time with. Often collecting flowers (and mud pies) for him and gluing herself to his side, listening to his stories or hanging off his clothes. She appears to have his calm demeanor but also his rare but bad temper.