Jacob Piletsky



3 years, 8 months ago


He/Him // 18 // Straight(?) // 6'5"

- Cyclops are prone to have anger issues. Add in teenage hormones and you have trouble on your hands.
- Really, though, generally tries to be a friendly guy. Is friends with a good number of classmates, though he's not winning any popularity contests.
- His relationship with Vean causes the most strain on his life. Vean riles him up until he finally snaps, then riles him even more. The teasing gets to him quickly.
- Someone needs to confront their internalized homophobia.
- Bass player. He looks cool and intimidating on a stage, and has a penchant for looking focused and serious when he's playing. Surprisingly dexterous.
- Tolerant of little things that don't involve Vean. Sasha paints his nails sometimes. Q has tried to curl his hair before. But Vean gets such a shorter fuse from him.
- N... no, he doesn't play basketball, he's just tall... (What's the weather like up here? Cold, mostly.)
- Actual crush on Sasha. Almost knows he'll never get a chance with her. There's still a bit of hope.