Cassius Blaiddyd



3 years, 8 months ago


OOC Name: Josh

Cassius Blaiddyd

Full Name

Cassius Alexandre Blaiddyd


Nineteen Years Old









Date of Birth

Imperial Year 1161, 12th of the Pegasus Moon

Place of Birth

Arth, Holy Kingdom of Faerghus


Minor Crest of Blaiddyd

Unique Marks

Cross-Shaped scar on right wrist


Holy Kingdom of Faerghus


Prince of Faerghus, Second In Command Of Arth

Garreg Mach House (1180)

The Blue Lions


Eldest Son of Aleister Blaiddyd, Royal Family of Faerghus


While sometimes quiet at first, Cassius has a warm, gentle and respectful demeanor. He is consistently looking out for those around him, though he can be a bit socially awkward on account of having spent much of his time around people older than him, instead of those his own age. He is incredibly formal in his speech, though will speak more casually with the right people and the right circumstances. When it comes to business, Cassius is incredibly hard-working and dedicated to his craft, putting 200% into everything that he does with relentless intensity and passion.
As a former mercenary, Cassius sees almost everything from a practical perspective. While he can find the practical benefit in even the simplest of life's pleasures, there are things that to Cassius, if there is no practical reason for them to exist, then he finds himself holding a deep distaste for them. Things such as ego over one's position, and mistreatment of others for no reason other than personal gratification, fall into this category. Cassius is incredibly passionate about his views of how Fodlan could be bettered if people thought from a practical standpoint and respected each other for the necessary roles they play in their society regardless of whether they were born noble or commoner. In his eyes, respecting each other and working better together would lead to a stronger, more unified Fodlan. He will not hesitate to voice this, and is fearlessly blunt enough to speak his mind to even the most powerful.
Despite his passionate stance on his political views, Cassius has no personal desire for power. While he would do what is best for the Kingdom of Faerghus and Fodlan as a whole if it came to it, Cassius is goal motivated towards what will benefit those he cares for, instead of personal gratification.
When Cassius is comfortable doing so, he is open and honest about his feelings, even joking around a little in hopes of making those around him smile. He is well-intentioned and almost never acts out of malice. Cassius will go out of his way to aid anyone who needs help, if he can. He is loyal to those who have earned his respect, and will go to any lengths for those he cares for. Even if it doesn't seem practical, he has made exceptions at times to protect the people he cherishes, even if doing so risks his own safety.
In battle, the gloves come off and Cassius is a ferocious fighter. He is stone serious, and completely dedicated to the task at hand. His experience on the field lends him keen battling instincts, but also a sense of paranoia. When on the field, Cassius will do whatever it takes to get the job done, though has some limitations due to personal honor. But his ferocity can be surprising, even disturbing, to those that have come to know him as the caring and gentle individual that he is outside of battle. A tactical combatant, Cassius is always doing his best to plan on the fly. But he can overthink things sometimes too. He is close with his battling wyvern, Erdrick, and dotes on him as though he were a member of his own family.
Cassius was born one of the Princes of The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, son of Aleister and Sierra Blaiddyd and nephew to King Lambert. Growing up in his father's territory under Blaiddyd rule, Cassius lived a fine enough life. Sure, it was made clear to him right away that he was one of the furthest people from being a candidate for the throne. Lambert had a ton of kids, after all, and the King was practically still in the prime of his life. But that was fine! Cassius was chosen as the heir for his father's lands and was taught pretty early on how to fight by his father, igniting a fire under Cassius for combat that persisted throughout his life. When his parents weren't tutoring him in combat or in other noble skills, he was overseen by his father's childhood friend, Bernardo Amari. A man who while not a bearer of Blaiddyd blood, was looked at as family. Cassius even began to affectionately refer to him as his Uncle Amari.
By the time he was in his teens, Cassius had already begun running missions with his family's knights, being unofficially sworn in by his father and Amari as one of their number before departing on his first mission. Between these missions and his education, Cassius often accompanied his parents to the neighboring country of Duscur, making friends with the locals and learning the language. He may not have been destined for greatness and the highest seat of power in Faerghus, but Cassius had no reason to complain. But things changed on one specific trip... An incident that would come to be known as The Tragedy of Duscur. Having slowly begun to lust for power as a result of his own feelings of inferiority, Amari turned on the Blaiddyd family alongside many other conspirators, with Amari himself severely wounding Cassius, and killing his mother Sierra, who had stepped in to protect Cassius. With the battle lost and many nobles, including King Lambert having fallen, Aleister made the decision to save his son, taking him and fleeing.
As Aleister tended to Cassius' wounds, saving him from certain death, they were found by the turncoat Amari, who had gotten separated from his soldiers in the pursuit of possible survivors. But Amari knew that he couldn't defeat Aleister and Cassius together. Revealing himself to be a practicioner of dark magic, Amari took advantage of the fact that Aleister had not seen his turn at Duscur, leveraging Aleister's survivors guilt and feelings that he had dishonored his family. Manipulating Aleister into allowing him to modify his and Cassius' memories in order for them to get away and start over, Amari set to work. Injured and mentally distraught from witnessing the Tragedy, the young Cassius was unable to stop Amari from wiping away his memories. With the two of them disoriented from what the dark mage had done, Amari decided to take the chance to kill Cassius in case his magic failed, but Aleister regained his bearings quickly and chased him off. With these new memories, the duo took the names of Caspian and Cassius Auron, a father-son mercenary duo based in Brigid. Amari hoped that doing so would keep them out of the picture, if not wind up dead in the harsh environments of Brigid. But the duo managed to survive, becoming successful in their endeavors as mercenaries while in the Holy Kingdom, Aleister and Cassius Blaiddyd were pronounced dead alongside Lambert and many others.
Over time, Aleister began to accumulate a group of followers, and the Auron Mercenary Company was formed. They soon began to branch out, taking jobs throughout the Empire, the Alliance, Dagda, Almyra, and even returning to the Kingdom for a period of time. It was a hard life, one fraught with danger. But it was a simple one, and Cassius enjoyed it for all that tit was. At some point in their travels, they had come across an abandoned egg from a nest of wyverns that had been driven out. Not able to stomach just leaving it there, Cassius obtained Caspian's blessing to take it with them. While it was difficult to feed the wyvern that hatched at times, Cassius was able to make it work. Over time, Cassius and Erdrick bonded and became a ferocious team as Cassius began to pursue the battling style of a Wyvern Rider. The two have remained inseparable since.
Unbeknownst to Cassius, his father had been steadily beginning to put away a percentage of their earnings. When Cassius realized it, he had suspected that perhaps his father had finally decided to work toward finding them a new home, as he had talked about over the campfire many times over the last four years. A chance to return to the domestic life that his memories indicated had been lost under undisclosed circumstances along with his mother. It would be an opportunity to finally settle down once more and not have to spend their entire lives fighting for coin just to survive and to put food on their table. When the time came though, his father unexpectedly spent a great deal in order to send Cassius to the Officer's Academy in Fodlan. Taken aback, he initially tried to refuse, knowing that his father would be giving up any chance of accomplishing his dream anytime soon. But Caspian's mind was made up. Even if that meant continuing this cycle on his own, he was intent on ensuring that his son did not have to live this way any longer. Caspian himself meanwhile, had something he needed to do... While he sent letters, Cassius did not see his father again for a long time after this.
While confused and distraught over suddenly being torn from his father, Cassius was sent to the Officer's Academy where he joined the Blue Lion House. Cassius found it a bit difficult, to say the least. The walls made him feel closed in and uncomfortable, he constantly broke things without meaning to, and his social graces weren't the best, to say the least. He constantly found himself missing the open roads, and he fretted constantly over his father. But there was nothing he could do about that, he knew. The best course of action was to make the best of his situation, and make the most of the gift he had been given. Dedicating himself passionately to his work, Cassius worked hard in hopes that somehow, someway he would find a way to make a serious living for himself, and for his father as well. In his eyes, it was the best, if not the only way to repay him for what he had done. His father had given him a great gift, and he would repay it in kind. No matter what it took.
But fate had other plans. Recognized by a classmate who knew a young man called Cassius Blaiddyd who had many times visited Duscur, Cassius was hurtled into an identity crisis. Soon after, he began experiencing spasms and headaches, recalling things that he did not remember ever happening before. Looking into the Tragedy of Duscur in hopes of finding answers led him to several student contacts who were able to give him direction in his search. Evidence pointed towards a Kingdom noble going by Baron Amari, who had taken power in the vacuum following Duscur, and now governed over the territory once belonging to Aleister Blaiddyd. Soon after, Cassius was able to confirm that he indeed bore the Crest of Blaiddyd, confirming his identity and causing him to realize that the things he was seeing were his old memories, sealed away and replaced with fake ones using dark magic. But before he could confront Amari on his own terms, a letter revealed that the Baron had struck first. It turned out that Cassius had not been the only one effected by the magicks controlling his memories beginning to fade. His father, Aleister, had regained many of his memories and had pieced together what had happened, sending Cassius off to Garreg Mach in hopes of protecting him from Amari, as well as ensuring he had a future for himself. Setting out to prove Amari's status as a dark mage, Caspian had been captured and imprisoned, already sentenced to be executed on charges of attempting to murder the Baron. Knowing the intention was to lure him out so Amari could finish what he had started, Cassius organized a team from the Monastery as well as the Auron Mercenary Company, and mounted a rescue mission.
Finally taking some semblance of the leadership role that he had been trained for many years ago, Cassius led the charge on Amari's estate, playing a game of mental chess with the Baron at its head. Learning the truth of what Amari had done, things quickly escalated into fighting, and it was there that Cassius finally remembered the Tragedy of Duscur itself. Seeing his mother's death at the hands of Amari all over again, Cassius took the fight to Amari to avenge her and everyone else he had murdered that day. But Amari's obsession with power overtook him, transforming him into a dark magic-fueled monster. Through the group's efforts, the monster was slain as the man Cassius once called "Uncle Amari" died with it. The conduit holding his magic together had been destroyed, and Cassius very quickly began to recall everything. With his father freed and their memories restored, the duo took the names of Aleister and Cassius Blaiddyd once more. With their lands and titles restored to them, Cassius returned to Garreg Mach in order to continue to hone his skills and once day take his place as Aleister's successor. But this was going to be far from an easy task. Even with his memories returned, Cassius had been away from noble life for a very long time, and in a lot of ways he was still Cassius Auron. And what had happened to him, as well as experiencing Duscur and his mother's death all over again had impacted him profoundly. And with Faerghus in a state of turmoil, he could need to step up for their sake one day. This was going to be a challenge, and far from an easy one at that. But even with all that had happened, Cassius now had friends and experience under his belt. And he was determined to fight this new battle to the end.


The lance that Cassius was given by his father when he had first started out as a mercenary with the Auron Company, and has used since. Upgraded to a Steel Lance at the Academy, it was fashioned with a blue scale-like design to the handle and later given the name "Visidrake".

Hunting Bow

Cassius was gifted this bow by his father the first time he taught him how to hunt in Brigid. While not the most combat suitable, it has served him well.

Armor of Auron

A set of plated armor gifted to Cassius by his father as a parting gift before being sent off to Garreg Mach Monastery. Black with gold trims. Cape is blue with black trims, and is emblazoned with the insignia of Aleister Blaiddyd's Knight Corps, formerly the Auron Mercenary Company.


A green-colored wyvern that Cassius raised as a clutchling. Cassius rides Erdrick into battle much of the time, and their close bond has enabled them to work well together.
Skill Information


  • Strength 【A】 (600 Points) Minor Crest of Blaiddyd 【A+】
  • Magic 【E】 (0 Points)
  • Speed 【A】 (600 Points)
  • Defence 【A】 (600 Points)
  • Resistance 【B】 (350 Points)

Combat Skills

  • Lance 【A】 (350 Points)
  • Bow 【A】 (300 Points)

Academic Skills

  • Languages (Fodlan, Duscur) 【D+】 (50 Points)
  • Tactics 【A】 (300 Points)
  • Crestology 【D+】 (50 Points)
  • Political Theory 【B+】 (225 Points)
  • Medicine 【B+】 (200 Points)

Specialist Skills

  • Flying【A】 (450 Points)
  • Hunting【C+】 (100 Points)
  • Fishing【C+】 (125 Points)
  • Dancing 【D+】 (50 Points)
  • Blacksmithing 【D+】 (50 Points)
  • Swimming 【D】 (25 Points)
Magic Information
  • No Magic
  • No Spells, Just A Really Swole Boi
Staff Managed Section
Arcane and Crafted Equipment
Special Equipment (Crafting Materials and Holy Artefacts)

Ring of Illumination (Holy Artefact) x 1

This silver ring, produced by the renowned blacksmith Lefvre, penetrates the darkness that fuels the monsters which lurk in the night. Engraved with magic symbols, it strengthens its wearer in combat against monsters and the character who wears this ring will deal slightly increased damage against both monsters and giant beasts during the night. This boost does not apply to Laguz or ordinary animals.

Cloak of Light (Holy Artefact) x 1

A cloak imbued with the essence of light, produced by the scholars of the Holy Church of Seiros, that grants the user the power of a faith mage. Wearers of this cloak may use the power of this item to cast Seraphim at C Rank Magic. The cloak’s magical power will last long enough to use the spell twice before the power runs out and it becomes a nice-looking mundane cloak. Currently has two uses left.

Intermediate Tier All-Purpose Arcane Crystal x 1

An extremely rare arcane crystal that can be made to take on any elemental property. It has the strength of an intermediate tier arcane crystal and can be used in the place of any basic or intermediate tier arcane crystal during crafting.

Blue Sea Star Shard (Holy Artefact) x 1

A piece of white rocky substance retrieved from a shooting star, marbled with what appears to be an azure blue crystalline material. Believed to come from the Blue Sea Star, this meteorite is said to be blessed with the radiance of the Blue Sea Star’s light. The mere possession of this item is said to ward off evil and will break once it delivers the holder from danger. The Blue Sea Star Shard can cancel the stat penalty inflicted by Dark Magic. Currently has one use left.

White Rose Garland (Holy Artefact) x 1

A garland made of white roses which are commonly given out during the month of the Garland Moon. This particular Garland appears to have been blessed by the Goddess and bestowed a unique power to protect its holder. The White Rose Garland, when paired with a second White Rose Garland, allows the holders to cast the White Magic, Heal, with the potency of C rank Magic once per thread on both holders.

Horn of Plenty (Holy Artefact) x 1

An ivory statuette representing the Harvest Festival. Supposedly, the original was created by Saint Cichol – but this one is merely a replica. The owner of a Horn of Plenty may utilise it in a thread to regain two uses of basic-tier Faith magic and one use of intermediate-tier Faith magic. Currently has one use left.

Basic Tier Wind Crystal x 4

A weak arcane crystal that can store and convert wind energy.

Basic Tier Ice Crystal x 7

A weak arcane crystal that can store and convert ice energy.

Basic Tier Light Crystal x 4

A weak arcane crystal that can store and convert light energy. Also known as a holy crystal.

Basic Tier Fire Crystal x 6

A crystal that converts magical energy to fire magic.

Basic Tier Thunder Crystal x 4

A weak arcane crystal that can store and convert thunder energy.

Basic Tier Dark Crystal x 2

A weak arcane crystal that can store and convert dark energy. While dark crystals themselves are not banned by the Holy Church of Seiros due to their properties which defend against dark magic, it is considered heresy to forge a weapon with dark magic properties using dark crystals.
Ability Name: King of the WyvernAbility Type: Personal Ability

Ability Description:

Raising Erdrick from hatchling to adulthood on his own as a teenager, Cassius has shown a natural talent in being able to understand the feelings of wyverns. His ability to communicate with wyverns is top class, especially when it comes to ones he has tamed. The gentle soul of Cassius appears to be a calming presence to wyverns, who do not register him as a threat. Instead, they appear to see him as one of their own.

Ability Effect:

Cassius is capable of communicating with wyverns, both wild and tamed, and can understand them in turn. Untamed wyverns do not register Cassius as a threat, and will be drawn to him as though he were one of their own. He cannot command them to fight for him, though they will protect him as a member of their own if it comes to it. His ability to communicate with tamed wyverns is much more efficient, and he can relay commands to Erdrick through an almost telepathic connection. No words need to be spoken in order to understand.

Total Points: 4,425

Race: Human

Crest: Minor Crest of Blaiddyd

Pegasus Moon, Imperial Year 1177

Title: Not Another Flashback
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg
Entry: "Back in the Imperial Year 1177, I was a fledgling mercenary traveling with my father. And this was my first time in Fodlan and it was just... Overwhelming. Unable to sleep one night, I left camp to hunt. There, I saw a cloaked figure being chased by brigands. Drawing them into the woods, I knocked them out one by one. With the figure safe, she turned out to be a young woman. While I never saw her face, we did talk for a bit. I didn't think I'd ever see her again, but... Who would have thought that this woman was actually Pandora?" - Written by Cassius Blaiddyd in the Imperial Year 1180.


Harpstring Moon, Imperial Year 1180

Title: Outdoor Market
Participants: Xara Smith, Yvon Baumhaur
Entry: "To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm adjusting well here. The walls feel restricting and make this place feel like a prison. The new schedules and expectations, and being around so many people my own age is... Daunting, to say the least. It's just so much to take in. Hoping to start hunting in the grounds around the Monastery to keep my mind off things with the Academy, I took Erdrick to the marketplace with me to buy hunting traps. I met a woman there with a wyvern of her own. As well as a man who called the wyverns "pets". Erdrick didn't like that very much."

Title: The Struggles of Adjusting
Participants: Solstice Arylide
Entry: "Still having trouble. But when I'm hunting or training, I don't think about it so much. And if I'm training, then I'm getting stronger, right? That's how I've been rationalizing things, anyway. I'm not wasting four years of savings if I make it worth it. That's my motivation right now. But not everyone likes someone who takes his training seriously. After getting into it with another student, I met another student named Solstice. He challenged me to a sparring match. I realized quickly he wasn't all that into the fight, seeming to be wanting a reason to talk. Not that I minded, I suppose I've grown to enjoy conversation with people my age after spending four years with a group of mercenaries far older than myself. People I feel more comfortable talking to, now that I'm starting to get used to it.

Solstice wants to be a great Crest Scholar one day, who discovers a crest lineage never seen before. He's certainly working hard for that dream, as he clearly knows quite a bit about them. That's something I can respect. Makes me think about what my end goal for all of this is... I want to be stronger, to be better, sure... I want to pay back everything my father paid so he can have that house he talked about for years, that he always dreamed of. I still don't understand why he sent me here instead of fulfilling his dream, but... Whatever I may do here, it should lead to my goal of making his dream come true too. As for Solstice, he's a bit odd at times, but he seems well meaning. Bribed me with a meal to get some books off the top shelf in the library though, which was unique.

If there's anything I need to know about Crests in the future, perhaps I should ask him..."

Title: To Just Be
Participants: Alois Lysander
Entry: "Couldn't sleep. Decided to train in solitude while the other students were asleep. Found another student who called himself Alois. Realized his battle cry could use some work, gave him a lesson. Ended up sparring, and while some would say I won out on that one, I got lucky. Kid doesn't realize how tough he is, even without the use of his magic and while facing someone wielding a weapon he wasn't familiar with facing in actual combat. Was honestly a little surprised at how easy giving lessons came to me. I've never done this before, yet it felt as natural as if I'd been doing it my entire life.

Had a nasty headache for a bit, but it went away fast. Haven't had a fight at this time of night in so long, it's possible I'm not used to it anymore. Alois seems like a good kid, though, I'm glad I could help in some way. I look forward to seeing the progress he makes."

Title: Familiar Territory
Participants: Rhonwen Nichol
Entry: "Wanting to get away from the stress of the Academy for a bit, I traveled outside of town to do some hunting for the Academy's food stores. While I said I wanted to help out, really it's just hunting is one of the only things that reminds me of home. Or well, what used to be home to me, on the road hunting for food all the time. I was followed back by a shady woman who badgered me and made rude comments the whole way back. She appears to be a student, but the way she kept frisking my person, I'm pretty sure I was looking at a bandit."

Title: World's Most Fateful Supply Run
Participants: Erna Halvorson
Entry: "How do I put what's happened today? I took work with the Church to hunt, which I'd been doing for awhile anyway. Was put with this woman who other students warned me about, though I didn't know why. And then on sight, she accosts me with claims that I'm this friend of hers that died in a massacre. The Tragedy of Duscur, she called it. Said her friend, Cassius Blaiddyd, who looks and sounds just like me, and who she's convinced I am, was killed along with many important people. Then the Kingdom turned around and committed near-absolute genocide of the people of Duscur. Men, women, children... None were spared. It was difficult to take in. I didn't know what to say to her. But she was greatly hurt when I didn't "remember" her. I don't know what to do. I've hurt her, and while I may not be the source of her pain, I've re-opened an old wound in a way that I don't know if I can help close it. While we were able to hunt for food as promised, she was too distraught to speak further. Somehow, someway, I need to make this right."

Title: Tale of Two
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg
Entry: "My head's still spinning from what I found out from Erna. I've been thinking of trying to look into the Tragedy of Duscur... Verify her claims, find out what I can about this Cassius Blaiddyd, and try to understand. At the least, maybe then I can support her as best I can and help her move forward. While trying to figure out where to even start, I met a woman named Pandora in the training yard, who called herself a Princess. Strangely enough, despite being at the Academy, she is not a combatant. Claims she cannot fight, yet she is here. While her motives are sketchy, she did critique my abilities and give some pointers that I was able to reflect on later. Interesting... A non-combatant who studies combat enough to give tips. Interesting, that one. I need to be careful around her."

Title: Search For Answers, Part. 1
Participants: Berthiol Eiderdrake, Pandora Von Hresvelg, Milanor Kleiman
Entry: "I finally decided to look into the Tragedy of Duscur today. Thanks to Solstice, I was able to figure out where the library was. Second floor. I started poking around in there, until I was stopped by another student named Berthiol. The subject turned out to be... Incredibly hot button, as I was immediately bombarded with questions by Berthiol, Pandora, and a nobleman from Duscur named Milanor Kleiman. While it was overwhelming to deal with thanks to the crowding, I gleaned a fair bit about the Tragedy. But there was so much uncertainty around it, it's... Odd. Finding out the details of the Tragedy was horrifying, to say the least. Milanor offered to help me with information and with info on Cassius Blaiddyd if I stated my intentions, and while I gave some information, I kept some specifics locked away to prevent questions I wasn't ready to answer. I regret it, and I'll make it up to him, but it's necessary for now.

Unfortunately, I get the impression that all three of them knew I was referring to myself the minute I invoked the name "Cassius Blaiddyd". Apparently that name, and the Tragedy itself, opened up a whole can of worms that I was not ready for. Milanor also brought up how strange it was that I knew nothing of such a massive event from just four years ago, which I admit, is strange. While trying to process everything, a headache struck. I don't remember a whole lot about what happened next, but I remember the worst pain I had ever felt. Freezing cold... The sounds of screaming. Terrified, pained, agonized screaming. Worse than anything I had ever experienced. It was gone before I could process it, and much of my memory of it is gone, but I remember bits and pieces. Apparently I collapsed and caused a scene. Went to the healer soon after, but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. Suggested maybe it was stress.

I need to find out more. For one reason or another, I can't stop thinking about the Tragedy of Duscur. About Erna, and about Cassius Blaiddyd."

Title: Breakage
Participants: Yukon Blaiddyd

Title: Hunting Ones Woes Away
Participants: Ashe Engel

Title: One Fish, Two Fish, Blue Fish...
Participants: Erna Halvorson
Entry: “I met Erna again while fishing. While what I found out about the Tragedy of Duscur was harrowing to say the least, Erna’s appearance reminded me of the debt I owe as a warrior, in trying to make this right. We talked a bit and she doesn’t appear to hold any resentment towards me for “not recognizing her”. I may not be this guy she thinks I am, but… I hope she finds peace.”

Title: Scales and Thorns
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg
Entry: "Pandora came to check on me today while I was brushing Erdrick, after my previous collapse at the library. She's difficult to make out, if I'm being honest. She's clearly incredibly guarded and I'm sure she has a great deal of reason, though unfortunately my attempts to set her at ease only seemed to make things worse. In the end though, I did get from her that her stake in the matter of my identity is pure curiosity. I did find out a bit about her motivations though... She's an interesting girl. One I'm not sure if I trust or not."

Title: A Meeting That Would Go Down In Legend
Participants: Alwyn Albane, Vincent Von Bergliez

Title: Heading To Work
Participants: Xara Smith, Jasper Vale

Title: Purposefully Alone
Participants: Karsis Albrecht

Title: Royal Rivalry
Participants: Karsis Albrecht, Ashe Engel, Berthiol Eiderdrake

Title: Regrets, I've Had A Few
Participants: Karsis Albrecht

Title: Awkward Situation
Participants: Ashe Engel

Title: [Chapter II] The Unholy Threat: Beaumarchais Manor
Participants: Lianne Argent Rowe, Victoria Winchester, Alois Lysander
Entry: “Today the Church sent me on my first mission as part of the Blue Lion House. I wasn’t picked for the first one, but now it appears they consider me to be ready. This Resurgent Son cult was challenging the Church, and this lord had sided with them. We were sent to apprehend them. But in the process… Things changed with me. I had one of those headaches again and it’s hard to explain but it felt like a moment of clarity. Like I had regained a part of myself that I had lost. For a time, I took command of the mission and led us onto the house where our objective was to arrest the Lord and execute any in our way. Whether that was cultist, knight or servant. It didn’t sit well with me, but at the time I figured orders were orders.

Our attempt to parlay was derailed by a cultist taking the lord’s daughter hostage. Lianne challenged him to a duel for the child and he sacrificed a knight for his side of it. When reasoning with the Knights didn’t work, and the mage refused to place the girl in neutral hands, I knew he wouldn’t abide by the result of the duel. I got the girl from him, but my eye was injured in the process. Not the funnest thing. Alois though… Whatever he did to stop him burned Alois badly. But it was done. The lord re-appeared, being the same gate guard we saw earlier, with Erdrick in tow, who had helped him save his other daughter from the cult’s attempt to kill her and frame us. He surrendered and it turned out that the cult had held the lives of his girls hostage for his cooperation. The battle was over, though the knight couldn’t be saved. Lianne cheap shotted him when the battle was already over.

The Church has imprisoned him for now while they investigate. But considering his situation, it should be fine… Right?”


Garland Moon

Title: Sunday School
Participants: Ludger

Title: Alois' Paralogue: Hiraeth
Participants: Alois Lysander, Milanor K. Fraldarius, Xara Smith, Kindle Greyroad

Title: An Act of Chivalry
Participants: Alois Lysander

Title: Home of the Kleiman Clan
Participants: Alois Lysander, Liraz Kleiman

Title: The Garland Festival
Participants: Solstice Arylide, Kishgal Uriel
Entry: "In between eating my fair share at the Garland Festival, I ended up being pulled into a bit of work at a souvenir shop with Milanor and the combat instructor, Kishgal. Trading a few stories about girls while we worked, I found out that Solstice had been asked out on a date, which was cool. I ended up sharing that I wasn't sure of what to make of Pandora and that I didn't know if that sketchiness might lead to her stabbing me despite our friendship if I happened to be in her way. That seemed to raise some concern, so I suppose I need to consider my allies carefully in the future. At the end of the shift, a letter arrived saying I had been picked for a blind date at the Gazebo that night. It was strange, but... It was something I felt a desire to at least try and see through. A blind date, huh? Well, at least I can say I tried, I suppose."

Title: Blind Date
Participants: Adela
Entry: "The blind date was... Something, to say the least. I was nervous as all get out, and expected myself to screw it up at every turn, but this woman... Erna's her name, she's... Well, she's incredible, if I'm being honest. She was just as nervous and awkward as I was, but she was just so easy to talk to. The gentlest soul I've ever met. Patient, understanding, and just so dedicated to making this work out just as much as I wanted to. While I didn't find out much about her interests at the time, and maybe I should have, I learned she was a churchbird who aspired to join the clergy. I shared a bit about myself too, and she convinced me that even if I'm having issues with my father, which I certainly am with all this stuff that he may be hiding from me... He still gave up everything for me. I regret ever doubting him. He had to have his reasons, right?

I had tea and cake for the first time, and I have to say, I'm a fan. Nobles have this stuff all the time? It's hard to fathom. We got along well though, and she brought out a side of me that I don't think I ever knew I had. Is this who I really am, without the formalities? It's a daunting thought. But I kind of like being able to be that way, and I like being around her. We agreed to a second date right away, even if we were hesitant to end the first one. I don't think I'll sleep much tonight. I await the second date with bated breath."

Title: Something Else There
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg
Entry: "Following my blind date, I took the next day of the festival to regather my thoughts. In a field of flowers, I found Pandora of all people making flower arrangements. She ended up deflecting the subject to my date, and gave me some ideas of what to do for the next one. She seems... Knowledgeable about this kind of thing. How much are you hiding, Pandora? Will I ever meet the real you? Do I even want to?"

Title: Honor of Seiros
Participants: Agnes Solis

Title: Harrowing
Participants: Milanor Kleiman
Entry: “Milanor had previously offered to provide more information on the Tragedy, if I sought him out. Today I chose to do so. He didn’t seem offended at my previous attempts to remain discreet. Instead he was actually quite casual. Almost disturbingly, he’s difficult to read behind those shades. I also found through talking to him that if I was to go through with this investigation, even with the potential dangers, I needed to be sure my motivations were sound and would take me through this. It helped me find that even if I was trying to do the honorable thing… Deep down I knew I was hungry to find out the truth of who I was. The more this keeps happening, the more I'm starting to see holes in how I'm remembering things. Things that either should be but aren't there, or things that should not be. But the truth is that while I want to know, and badly, I know that deep down I'm afraid of what I'll find. And how this would change how I look at things, and where my life would go. Not to mention the likely end of the trust between myself and my father, which I am hesitant to let go of.

But it needs to be done. The Tragedy of Duscur appears to lie at the center of what happened to me, and if I don't find out the truth, if I walk away now, I will be haunted by it forever. I decided it was time to conquer my fears, and press forward. No matter the consequences. Milanor, satisfied, gave me a lead on someone that may have a part to play in the Tragedy. Eventually, I know I need to confront them. I need to know what is happening to me. I need to know what happened to Cassius Blaiddyd, and what truly happened during the Tragedy of Duscur. For now, though... I need to make connections, as well as finally take Milanor's advice and seek out a crest scholar to find out what's inside of me. Or perhaps even not inside of me. Fact is, I look and sound like a man who supposedly died. If I have his Crest... Story checks out. Game over.

It's time."

Title: The Prodigal Son
Participants: Apollonius Gautier

Title: Let's Talk About Wyverns
Participants: Cadmus Ordelia, Pandora Von Hresvelg

Title: Search For Answers, Part 2
Participants: Solstice Arylide

Title: The Answer
Participants: Milanor Kleiman
Entry: "I am Cassius Blaiddyd. This feels like a horrible nightmare, but it is what it is. The Crest, and what I saw after finding out, tells all. Despite how sick I felt, I sought out Milanor to seek his guidance on where to go next. We agreed to keep my identity on the down low for the time being. It was time to start on a plan to confront the one likely responsible for taking my memory, and finding out the truth. But a letter arrived during our meeting, and... Goddess, I don't know where to begin on this. My father... He left his mercenaries behind and went to the estate of the one responsible. He was arrested, and now he's going to be executed. I was contacted and told to come and sort out his affairs, but I know that it's a trap to lure me out. Despite that, I can't leave my father to die. I refuse to leave him, no matter what it takes. I intend to go and try to negotiate his release, and confront him at the same time. I'll need to find backup first, though. People I can trust to sneak into the estate and help if things get ugly. Which I'm sure they will.

Dad... Hold on. I'm coming."

Title: The Second Date
Participants: Adela

Title: Ludger's Paralogue: Seeking A New Star
Participants: Ludger, Caleb Astera, Adela

Title: Call It A Meeting
Participants: Kishgal Uriel

Title: Let's Talk Politics
Participants: Adela, Lucia Von Aegir

Title: Devil's Dance
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg

Title: Bleeding Hearts
Participants: Adela

Title: Burns
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg

Title: A Meal, A Meeting
Participants: Niamh Connor

Title: The Gloucester Tragedy (Part 1)
Participants: Gummy, Berthiol Eiderdrake, Catherine Petrikov, Nezuel Lang

Title: The Gloucester Tragedy (Part 2)
Participants: Venus Gloucester, Berthiol Eiderdrake, Emir Gloucester

Title: Never Felt Like This Before
Participants: Niamh Connor

Title: For The Sake of the Alliance
Participants: Milanor K. Fraldarius, Karsis Albrecht, Adela

Title: Open Session
Participants: Niamh Connor, Pandora Von Hresvelg, Adela

Title: Faerghus Frontier Support
Participants: Cadmus Ordelia, Ashe Engel

Title: B-Support
Participants: Alois Lysander

Title: When it Rains, it Pours
Participants: Niamh Connor

Title: About Berthiol
Participants: Adela

Title: Ingots to Introductions
Participants: Astrid Nilsen

Title: Inner and Outer Fire
Participants: Cadabra Salabim, Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: The New Girl in Town
Participants: Irene Riddel

Title: [Chapter III] Infiltration of Fraldarius: The Fallen Fortress
Participants: Milanor K. Fraldarius, Gaston Ernst, Lianne Argent Rowe


Blue Sea Moon

Title: Solstice's Paralogue: Ghost of the Past
Participants: Solstice Arylide, Cadmus Ordelia, Kishgal Uriel,

Title: Cassius' Paralogue: The End, The Beginning
Participants: Kishgal Uriel, Alois Lysander, Adela, Solstice Arylide, Pandora Von Hresvelg, Aleister Blaiddyd

Title: One Little Mistake
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg, Blase Riegan, Niamh Connor, Cadmus Ordelia, Ismael Skhaos, Caleb Astera, Hono Kaen, Vincent Von Bergliez, Primrose Von Hresvelg, Ludger, Milanor K. Fraldarius, Jahred Wyn Aldekatz

Title: Pandora's Paralogue: Of Demons and Fools
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg, Blase Riegan, Niamh Connor, Cadmus Ordelia, Primrose Von Hresvelg

Title: The Third Date
Participants: Adela

Title: Told You So
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg

Title: Seaside Sizzle
Participants: Caleb Astera, Desmond Grimm, Kindle Greyroad, Pandora Von Hresvelg

Title: Revelations
Participants: Karsis Albrecht

Title: Your True Self
Participants: Niamh Connor

Title: Beach Date!
Participants: Solstice Arylide, Cadmus Ordelia, Adela

Title: Test of Courage
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg, Blase von Riegan, Adela

Title: Requesting Assistance
Participants: Karsis Albrecht

Title: True Names
Participants: Irene Riddel

Title: Don't Kiss and Tell
Participants: Pandora Von Hresvelg, Oron Von Riegan

Title: Legacy of Erdrick
Participants: Adela

Title: Extracurricular Activity - Ride of Your Life
Participants: Karsis Albrecht, Karlina Von Arundel, Terro Vin Nais

Title: Karsis' Paralogue: Once and for All
Participants: Karsis Albrecht, Pandora Von Hresvelg, Solstice Arylide

Title: A Brutal Training Session
Participants: Raoul Lynley

Title: Another Date
Participants: Adela

Title: [Skyjoust Bout] Hristal von Hevring vs. Cassius Blaiddyd, 21st Skyjoust Bout
Participants: Hristal von Hevring

Title: To Know Your Partner
Participants: Adela

Title: The Blue Sea
Participants: Adela

Title: Reunion
Participants: Rufus Blaiddyd

Title: The Man Who Would Be Prince
Participants: Apollonius Gautier, Milanor K. Fraldarius

Title: Cassius Blaiddyd and the War Room
Participants: Cassius Blaiddyd

Title: Gilded Lily
Participants: Niamh von Hevring

Title: The Little War Game
Participants: Milanor K. Fraldarius, Adela

Title: Bedside Manner
Participants: Adela

Title: Fraldarius Reconstruction
Participants: Karlina von Arundel, Adela, Ilyse von Riegan

Title: A New Face Around The Academy
Participants: Nyx Lunae-Tethys

Title: A Proper Introduction
Participants: Adela, Aleister Blaiddyd

Title: Warm Bellies
Participants: Ubel

Title: Poisoned Fangs
Participants: Ubel

Title: Milanor's Paralogue: Hollow Nights of Sweet Dreams
Participants: Milanor K. Fraldarius, Oron von Riegan, Pandora von Hresvelg, Alois Lysander, Karsis Albrecht

Title: Back in the Reversed Place
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: A-Support
Participants: Alois Lysander

Title: Tea Party 3: The Relationship Debacle
Participants: Niamh von Hevring


Club Formed: Wyvern Club
Members: Cassius Blaiddyd, Adela, Emmerich Grünewald, Xara Smith, Cadmus Ordelia, Karsis Albrecht, Azir Sores


Title: Son of the Bear of Faerghus
Participants: Oron von Riegan

Title: Wyvern Club Session #1
Participants: Cadmus Ordelia, Azir Sores

Title: Absolute Chaos

Title: A Chance To Unwind
Participants: Adela, Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: High Hopes
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: Homecoming
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: From Across The Way
Participants: Venus Gloucester, Oron von Riegan

Title: Advent of Alison
Participants: Alison Mokkefhmr, Azir Sores

Title: Like It Never Happened
Participants: Ashe Engel

Title: At Your Leisure
Participants: Penelope von Hresvelg, Pandora von Hresvelg, Kindle Greyroad, Oron von Riegan

Title: Uncreative Title
Participants: Karsis Albrecht

Title: The Great Cattle Drive
Participants: Apollonius Gautier, Adela, Niamh Connor

Title: Dusk Date
Participants: Adela

Title: Nightmare Syndrome
Participants: Apollonius Gautier, Chloe Mori, Fabian Beaumont, Persephone Diane Dominic

Title: Did You Say Blaiddyd?
Participants: Vivianna Albrecht

Title: Adela's Paralogue: An Anticipated Homecoming
Participants: Adela, Kishgal Uriel, Niamh von Hevring

Title: Just Enough to make me Bulletproof
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg, Cadmus Ordelia, Kindle Greyroad, Oron von Riegan, Azir Sores

Title: Dusk Date
Participants: Adela

Title: [Chapter IV] The Road to the Tribal Capital of Sreng (Team E)


Verdant Rain Moon

Title: [Chapter V] The Lost Capital: Arx Aventina (Team F)
Participants: Adela, Karsis Albrecht, Berthiol Eiderdrake, Jason Whiteheart

Title: Lost in the Waves of Anger, I Cry
Participants: Beatris Blaiddyd

Title: Farm Fresh
Participants: Adela, Karsis Albrecht

Title: [Mystery Banquet] A Night of Murder and Mystery (Group 3)
Participants: Berthiol Eiderdrake, Amira Ellis von Dreschner, Oron von Riegan, Melanie Ambitio

Title: Double Trouble Date is Great!
Participants: Adela, Oron von Riegan, Evangeline von Vestra

Title: Clean Up Committee
Participants: Adela, Amasya Cantara, Karsis Albrecht


Horsebow Moon

Title: [Study] Keep It Clean
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg, Blase Riegan, Oron von Riegan, Lucia von Aegir

Title: [Study] Try Not To End In Chaos
Participants: Ashe Engel, Ubel, Nezuel Lang, Galahad V. Noden

Title: Added Security
Participants: Adela, Ludger, Terro Vin Nais

Title: Family Ties
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg, Karsis Albrecht, Gallerian Gerth

Title: I Know What You Lean On
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: Home-Warming Brings Optimism
Participants: Adela

Title: To Make A Shelter A Home
Participants: Adela, Oron von Riegan, Karsis Albrecht

Title: [Intermission] The Physical Examination (Team F)
Participants: Kishgal Uriel, Adela, Lianne Argent Rowe, Thea Galatea


Wyvern Moon

Title: Ashes to Ashes
Participants: Amira Ellis Von Dreschner, Galahad V. Noden, Bernard von Varley

Title: [Founding Day] The Great Token Hunt (Team 6)
Participants: Karsis Albrecht, Roland Despada

Title: Muck Among Us
Participants: Galahad V. Noden, Marul Molinaro, Roland Despada

Title: Avoidance
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg

Title: Magic Mushrooms
Participants: Adela, Alois Lysander

Title: Brotherly Reunion
Participants: Altair Blaiddyd

Title: Change of Pace
Participants: Adela, Nemo

Title: Moonbeam Walks
Participants: Ubel/Lord Sagus, Ashe Engel,

Title: The Prince's Homecoming
Participants: Adela, Karsis Albrecht

Title: Down In The Dumps
Participants: Apollonius Gautier, Adela, Avis Almu, Saira von Gaspard, Alois Lysander, Lowain von Ylisse, Milanor K. Fraldarius, Persephone Diane Dominic, Jeanne Fraldarius, Celeste Tres Vesper, Math

Title: Relic Retrieval
Participants: Altair Blaiddyd, Beatris Blaiddyd, Macbeth Koschei

Title: [A2 Chapter I] The Great Battle; Gronder Field (Team D)
Participants: Milanor Fraldarius, Alois Lysander


Red Wolf Moon

Title: The Witch Is Dead
Participants: Pandora von Hresvelg, Bernard von Varley