Dapple Floret



3 years, 8 months ago


Crystal Pony X Earth Pony

Dapple Floret was an Earth Pony enamored with the concept of other worlds. She was not a unicorn, so she was turned away from education in magical fields. Determined to prove everyone wrong, she began her own studies from scratch, with the goal to open a portal. It took years and years, but finally, using the water of the mirror pool among other things, in the quiet light of her basement, she did it: she opened a portal to another world. Ecstatic, she went through without any planning. The world she stepped into was the prison dimension of the umbrums, and when they noticed her they put curses on her to amuse themselves. She escaped and destroyed her portal, body now warped from the umbrum's curses. Now, she seeks a way to reverse them.