Yiyu Kasari



3 years, 11 months ago


wooooo design overhaul completed

Name: Yiyu Kasari

Gender: Female

Personality: Yiyu is, simply put, a prankster at heart. She adores playing pranks on people and seeing their reactions, the whole process is a joy for her. Sometimes a little too much. She's quite extroverted and talkative, enjoying conversation with most people and able to talk openly about most of her feelings. She's a fan of trying new things, even those she's not sure she'll like, and as a result will get invited to all sorts of activites by her friends. She's a showy person and loves to show off her skills, and is a fan of being in the spotlight. Since Yiyu has such a wide range of interests, she makes decisions on a whim very often, not bothering to plan very far ahead most of the time.

Of course, there are exceptions to this. Yiyu is more than willing to step back and support her friends from behind when the situation calls for it, and can stop acting so much on impulse and be more serious. There is also one topic that she refuses to talk openly about out of embarassment: her big fat crush on Yuya. She will do anything in her power to keep it a secret and has been forced to bribe her twin sister, Iris, multiple times to make sure it stays that way.

Yiyu is willing to admit to being mildly selfish. Unless an emergency, she will rarely give up everything she has for other people. She does this not out of ill-intent, but instead so that she can help people when they really need it. But some of it is also just her having a bit of a difficult time putting herself at a disadvantage(she learns to get over this through Arc-V).

Deck: Prankstar (i made this archetype up)

Dimension: Standard/Pendulum

Story: w.i.p. but she's known Yuya for a long time and goes to You-Show Duel School with him. She's also had a crush on him for about a year or two by the time the canon events of Arc-V begin. She had a win ratio that was high enough to get her into the Arc League Championship on her own, but despite being able to afford it, refused to let Yuya win against her several times so that he could get in as well. She was quite relieved when he got in on his own merit. Yiyu had no idea about any of the dimensional war stuff going on in the background of the Arc League Championship until Yuya told her about what Sora had told her one night. But the reveal of the Lancers still can as a shock to her, and she was mad that Declan/Reiji wouldn't let them go after Zuzu/Yuzu immediately. Still, she did learn to work well with the Lancers and helped them fight against the Fusion Dimension. Near the end of the whole conflict, Yiyu unwillingly combined with the other Yi-clones into Valve, who resurrected alongside Z-Arc.

Romantic Partner: Yuya Sakaki

Family: Iris Kasari (twin sister)

Friends: most of the Lancers, everyone at You-Show Duel School

Enemies: Fusionites (during canon)


-one of four dimensional counterparts that were created from a girl named Valve from the original dimension

-She has a twin sister named Iris

-She does gymnastics with Iris and both of them are very good at it, and as a result, has a skewed opinion of what "flexible" really is

Design Notes:

-She doesn't wear the left sleeve of her jacket(think of it like a reverse of what Kaito from V3 does)

-She has a strange mark on her left hand, it never goes away and has been there for as long as she can remember

-She uses a Standard Dimension duel disk