Gail Bichler (Earth 610)



3 years, 8 months ago


Earth 610 Gail is the result of Fledge Fighters Gail, all grown up, and thrown into Marvel without Erica by her side. 

Becoming depressed without her twin sister, Gail must find out who she is on her own. She throws herself into different jobs, quitting or being fired from most of them, mostly due to issues with her narcolepsy. She finds a knack for security systems and becomes a contractor, working under her mother's maiden name (Bichler) and building a spotless reputation. She also moonlights as a security specialist to thwart security systems, called Trajectory. She keeps her personal information extremely private in both sides of her work life. Outside of work, there is nothing. Just a crappy apartment and a lot of sleeping.

Gail begins to do a lot of work as Trajectory for Valentine Brutz. Valentine pays her employees in favors, but as a contractor and highly suspicious of owing anyone anything, Gail insists on cash. And the cash payment is good. She begins to notice that Valentine's employees, while provided with plenty of food, good housing, and lavish parties, seem to waste away while Valentine herself becomes more energetic. After a while, a fellow named Loki joins their crew for a couple of heists. Gail does not care to get to know him at first, but soon finds him to be her intellectual equal and potentially even someone she would get along with. Feeling indebted to him after he covers for her at a moment when her narcolepsy might have been revealed to Valentine, Gail quietly lets Loki know that Valentine's "favors" are likely to cause him problems later. 

After a while, Loki and Gail become very  close, aiding in each others' ventures and spending a lot of their  personal free time together, as they discover they live quite close to  each other. When Valentine's bigger plan is revealed and Loki seems to  be all but caught in her web, Gail is able to save his life- only by the  two of them taking an ancient oath of commitment that will tie their  life forces together. A huge sacrifice for both of them- as Loki can no  longer regenerate at will and Gail's heavily guarded professional  security reputation will be ruined by falling in with such a  high-profile villain.

The two of them go on to take over a haunted  mansion, where they make a deal with the ghost living there, and begin  to rent out rooms to ne'er-do-wells, werewolves, and other bad guy types  who may have a difficult rental history.