October Baudelaire



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Misc info:

I tend to use October for the entire month of actual October, so she gets a lot of drawing time during the spooky month. :)


October has grey skin, black hair, and eyes that change from silver to black, and from black to gold- depending on her mood. :)


October Baudelaire is a death witch and the only one in existance thus far in my small little world. She has the power to harvest lost souls and the undead and keep them for her own power or release them so that they are no longer plaguing the world. As a death witch, Octobers more powerful spells come from the sacrafice of something living. In her case, this is generally chickens and it's because of that she has an army of ghost chickens to fuel her power.

October comes from a wealthy family, so she is a bit spoiled and entitled. However, despite seeming like a villainess- she really does try to do the right thing. Even if it doesn't always seem that way. 

Her best friend is January, a white witch(Healer).