Mitsuku Shiga



3 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info


Mitsuku Shiga


Male (He/Him)






  • Coffee, that bitch who can’t start his day without one
  • Artificial strawberry scent, like soaps, upon meeting him you’ll immediately notice the artificial strawberry smell
  • Getting attention, if he doesn’t get any he’ll cry
  • Dressing in fancy clothes


  • Styling his hair, but he does it anyway
  • Getting ignored, if he is he’ll cry even harder
  • Taki’s bad eating habits, eating only sweets isn’t healthy!
  • Giiko >:(

Character Stats

Social Reserved

Empathetic Logical

Sincere Deceptive

Bold Timid

Patient Restless

Optimist Pessimist

Serious Trivial

Polite Sassy


Mitsuku is tall, charismatic and absolutely gorgeous, always at social gatherings and interacting with almost everyone there, he’s smooth, friendly, and catches everyone’s attention, with a beautiful face and a cool personality, everyone loves Mitsuku... at least when he’s in popular guy mode, the true Mitsuku is like a whiny, annoying child, everyone hates the real Mitsuku, so he’s always done his best to act cool, styling himself to perfection and acting in ways he knows people will like.

The only people Mitsuku can’t help but act like himself around are his best friends, Takimoto and Aruya, or as he calls them- Takicchii and Aruyan. Mitsuku has known Taki far too long to ever act fake around him, he’s known him practically his whole life, Taki knows him too well, and would call him out the minute he’d try to act like a different person around him. Having someone he can be himself around is a really good thing for Mitsuku, although... Taki has been so distant in recent years, and it’s really starting to take a toll on Mitsuku, even if he whines to him about it, Taki will brush it off and not give him a straight answer, he’s starting to worry that even Taki can’t put up with his true self anymore. In Aruya’s case, he got to know the fake Mitsuku first, and as Aruya got to know Taki, he was quickly introduced to the true Mitsuku, though as Aruya and Mitsuku run in the same popular guy circles, Aruya is constantly seeing Mitsuku two sides, but he’s far too kind to ever call it out.

For the most part, Mitsuku is completely successful at putting out the perfect, popular guy image, and as he goes to parties and social gatherings as much as he possibly can, he meets a lot of people from different schools, so despite going to an all boys school, Mitsuku constantly has new girlfriends. Although he’s had more girlfriends than he can count this year alone, he’s not a two timer, all his relationships are just extremely short lived, to the other boys in his social circle, this just makes him seem like a “ladies man”, which they find cool, and to the girls, all the relationships were far too short for them to have any attachments to, leaving them to forget about the truly boring boyfriend Mitsuku is. In friendly interactions, Mitsuku feels like he really is able to project himself as perfect, but in relationships, he struggles... but he can’t give up, he has to be the perfect, popular guy, he’ll date more and more girls until everyone sees him as perfect!







Trivia & Notes

  • Although Mitsuku gets on Taki’s case about his eating habits, Mitsuku‘s favourite food is ice cream, he loves trying all flavours, and will pester Taki to buy him a new one if he spots one while they’re at the mall, and Taki will always comply, he was probably already buying it before Mitsuku noticed.
  • Not a morning person by any means, but has to wake up early if he wants to have time to do his hair, get dressed well, etc, etc. he’s often sleeping over at Taki’s house, which is already in a rush in the morning because of all his siblings, it’s a mess.
  • Him and Aruya often go out to try new coffees and teas
  • Tried his best to make his school uniform look fashionable
  • Grades are painfully average, but at least his social life is booming, right?
  • Boobs are always out, if the shirt doesn’t have a window, or isn’t undone by at least 3 buttons, he’s not the one wearing it



Uchi Takimoto “Takicchii”

[ Best Friend ]

Taki is Mitsuku’s best friend, and has been ever since they were little kids, Taki means the world to him, as he’s the only person who truly knows him, they were basically inseparable when they were younger, but as the years have gone on by, Taki has become more and more distant ...why? Did he hate him now? What’d he do? Did he even do something at all? Has it just been so long that even Taki can’t handle his whining anymore? But that just makes him wanna whine! He doesn’t want Taki to hate him, but he can’t act fake around him either, he doesn’t know what to do... except cry into late hours of the night over how he doesn’t hug him anymore.


Jishi Aruya “Aruyan”

[ Friend ]

When Aruya transferred to Mitsuku and Taki’s middle school, the newly socialiable Mitsuku was quick to introduce himself to the nervous looking new kid, he later introduced him to Taki and the three of them became good friends, Mitsuku is also upset by Aruya being super busy all the time and not available to hang out with him and Taki, and it doesn’t count when it’s a popular people gathering... both him and Aruya and hardly acting like themselves then. It’s like he can’t win, it’s either he can’t hang out with Taki because he doesn’t wanna go to the popular people gatherings, or Aruya is too busy with class rep stuff, tutoring stuff, etc- Mitsuku just wants to hang out with his two best friends at the same time.


Giiko Inai

[ Disliked Weirdo ]

Ever since Aruya started tutoring, he hasn’t been able to hang out with him and Taki at all, it’s all Giiko’s fault! He’s a weirdo creep! What’s he so attached to Aruya for anyway? Creepy! He’s even getting close with Taki too, he’s gonna steal his two best friends away, he knows it! Giiko is the worst, he won’t let him steal Aruya and he especially won’t let him steal Taki!!

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