Nightmare Myolta



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Spicy food, Insects, Harp Music


Drab colors, Human clothes, Romantic relationships between Sylvari


"If the roots resist strength, I must become the hard ground"

Disillusioned with the perceived passivity of his brothers and sisters, Myolta joined the Nightmare Court, with the hopes that he might one day force the hands of his brothers and sisters. Taking the title of "The Moldering Duelist", Myolta will regularly challenge courtiers looking to climb rank, in an attempt to humiliate them, and even execute them should he deem them too weak. Rather than take a command position, he opts to serve any courtier of sufficient rank. Outside of official Court business, he hosts neutral tournaments in the Wychmire, and occasionally in the Dreamdark enclaves. Out of respect for martial prowess, these contests strictly end without bloodshed. Dreamers sometimes challenge the court, prompting Myolta to run a special championship, pitting courtiers and dreamers against each other. Every fight ends in death, and as the contestants dwindle, the dreamers eventually turn swords against themselves. Refusing to finish one's opponent, or attempting to flee is punished by execution. The champion and last standing is awarded a prestigious title in the court. Very few dreamers who sacrificed their brothers and sisters refuse this title, while the few that reject the court become dedicated wardens that tirelessly harry the Nightmare Court.