


Romanian prince who lives in a castle, alone, save for one servant/butler (create ref). Has no issues but got abandoned as a kid bc mum died of childbirth (stillborn baby bro). Dad slowly disappeared due to a recessive gene that causes some family members to be somewhat invisible, and because of the depression and grief due to his wife's death he vanished into thin air (literally, he is invisible).

Much of his family disappeared and Remus is unaware of whether they can communicate once they're invisible but they were a rotten bunch anyway. And whilst he is pretty happy-go-lucky he is also starting to become invisible (his fingers started to vanish when they told him his mother and brother had died during childbirth), and then when his father disappeared his hands started going too, but it's been years of loneliness and grief and his arms have decided to vanish.

So he's starting to become more and more invisible - he's noticed that his toes are going, which sucks because of memories of when he'd sit in the stream with his mother, dangling their legs into the ice cold water - and it gets worse and he feels worse uNTIL he meets Percy, who is a ball of excitement and adventure and joy and all things new. lmao I sold percy so we need to fill this gap in - link to adopt

also his boots look like this but nicer -->…