Lady Watermelon Sprout Sentry



3 years, 11 months ago


“Learning to act like ‘royalty’ in a society of high-class ponies is too difficult for me... I’d rather splash in the mud and jump on my bed!”

Full Name: Lady Watermelon Sprout Sentry

Nickname(s): Melon, Sprout

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Cisgender Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 16

(Adoptive) Parents: Duke Vladimir Blueblood Sentry and Captain Flash Sentry

Sibling(s): N/A

Partner: N/A

Personality: Silly, easygoing/lighthearted, hardworking, trustworthy (she’s got her own version of the “Pinkie Promise” known as the “Watermelon Word of Honor”), and doesn’t give two shakes of a pig’s tail what any of those elite snobs think about her and her “uncivilized” behavior.

Fatal Flaws: Messy/disorganized, clumsy, sarcastic, nosy, and immature (she doesn’t take life all too seriously, which is a trait that often works against her when she actually chooses to be serious for once).

Special Talent: Herbal Remedy-making (trust me, she would not be an anti-vaxxer)

Cutie Mark Story: Melon spent most of her days as a young filly playing out in the Castle gardens with the children of Canterlot diplomats waited for their parents to return from doing “boring grownup stuff.” None of the friendships she’d made ever lasted long, however; they all grew up eventually (either realizing on their own just how “uncouth” she was, or their elders made the decision for them).

On a day like any other, Melon and the son of a royal guards-pony were playing tag in the palace labyrinth when he tripped on a root and skinned one of his legs on the rough ground. Clutching his bloody hoof, the foal cried out, “Do something, Sprout! My Dad’s gonna kill me if I can’t make it to my hoofball game tomorrow!”

Acting quickly, Melon led her friend back to the Castle, where she frantically weaved through the hallways trying to remember where the royal nurse worked. On their way there, they cut through the kitchen, where she spotted a bowl of freshly sliced turmeric on the table.

She’d read about this stuff before; it was said to stop bleeding almost instantly, something they most definitely needed right about now. After rinsing off his wound, Melon grabbed the turmeric, crushed it up between her hooves, and gently blotted it against the foal’s leg.

“Woah... it really worked,” he gasped, as the bleeding began to subside. And just like that, Watermelon Sprout earned her Cutie Mark.

Base - SelenaEde: