


3 years, 8 months ago


-Druid <circle of the shepherd>

-a long standing bloodline of warlocks live in a manor town on the precipice of a vexing and mystical mushroom forest known for its folklore on the faeries and spirits. One day the heir noblesse is born and is deemed a curse by a vengeful spirit, spawning a half child half beast. But the lord and lady, the parents, obviously cared for their first and only child and didn't wish for its death, decided to keep her. One day, while under the care of her parents and servants, she plays in one of the safe spots within the forest of faeries.. but an unfamiliar voice calls to her and she follows its daunting and enchanting sound into the forest deeper where she is then led to an ancient tree, with numerous markings engraved into its bark. This tree drops but a single leaf down where it gently lands on the noblesses young forehead, immediately endowing her with druidic magics. Upon returning to her family they call for the shaman, who after realizing her "newfound" curse states that the old gods have touched her, and imbued her with a dark power. She then declares she must be killed before she brings the clan ruin. The parents, unable to accept this decision, secretly take her and a trusted servant, to the borders and exile them. For her safety.