


3 years, 7 months ago


"It's Five'o Clock somewhere, baby!"


Sangria isn't their real name. Do they even HAVE a real name? They go by all sorts of nonsense. Lime Soda? Daquiri? Piña Colada? They're exclusively named after drinks. Specifically tropical drinks.

Their schtick is that they live in posters and take on their vivid colours and styles, morphing as they hop from one poster to another. They can seem rather inconspicuous at times, lingering in backgrounds or take on a bolder role as the focal point of a poster, promoting whatever drink happens to be advertised. Roll them up, fold them and shove them into storage, Sangria will simply sit around and enjoy their drink anyways.

Though usually 2D, they can pop out of posters, taking on a three-dimensional form. Human? More or less. Depending on the poster they jumped out of, they may still retain some artistic flair, most prominently their unnaturally bright colour scheme. Sometimes they retain brush strokes, sometimes they don't even look human at all, taking on a cartoonish look. Again, it all depends on the artist's style.

Know that they aren't impervious to harm though. Actually, they're a lot more vulnerable to harm in a non-poster environment. Sangria is prone to tearing if someone pulls a little too hard. While bandaids provide a temporary fix, if a part of them completely detaches somehow, they'll go two-dimensional and flop over like a piece of paper. Sentient paper. A quick fix is to throw them into the nearest poster and ta-da, they're back in their three-dimensional human form.

Additional Notes

-They'll take a sip of just about any drink out there, no matter how hazardous it might be. What's it to paper?!

-Sometimes has a flower garland. Tacky Tourist Thursdays but make it every day of the week. Sunglasses are commonplace, multiple even.