Eggnog-off limit



3 years, 8 months ago


Character Chart

Character’s full name: Eggnog

Reason or meaning of name: Her parents thought she looked like a little cup of eggnog when she was born.

Character’s nickname: none

Reason for nickname: N/A

Birthdate: 12/25/2000

Physical appearance

Age: 19

How old does he/she appear: 20-25

Weight: 127 lbs

Height: 5'2"

Body build: athletic

The shape of the face: oval

Eye color: orange 

Glasses or contacts: no

Skin tone: peach black and white

Distinguishing marks: Stripes on her wrists and thighs, black insides of the ears and black pawpads.

Predominant features: Buck teeth and unusually long ears.

Hair color: white

Type of hair: thick

Hairstyle: short and wavy

Voice: southern drawl, husky and mellow.

Overall attractiveness: Very Cute

Physical disabilities: none unless you count her size lol

The usual fashion of dress: miniskirts and tube tops

Favorite outfit: a jean skirt with a turquoise tube top.

Jewelry or accessories: A Celtic knot necklace.


Good personality traits: endearing, honest, kind and generous.

Bad personality traits: naive and too trusting. She takes you at face value so sarcasm is lost on her.

Mood character is most often in: Cheery

Sense of humor: she doesn't get jokes.

Character’s greatest joy in life: going to the beach with a good book.

Character’s greatest fear: Dying alone.

Why? All of her relationships have been short-lived love them and leave them in nature. She feels like she will never find the right mate.

What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Finding her true love and having them die.

Character is most at ease when: horseback riding

Most ill at ease when: she is alone in the dark. She sleeps with a night light because of this fear.

Enraged when: she sees animals being abused.

Depressed or sad when: she gets left by yet another false lover.

Priorities: Opening a retirement ranch for retired racehorses.

Life philosophy: the sun always comes after the rain.

If granted one wish, it would be: to be at least 5 inches taller than she is now.

Why? She hates being dismissed because she is so small.

Character’s soft spot: Horses

Is this soft spot obvious to others? oh yes, she can't hide it.

Greatest strength: her ability to find the silver lining in any situation. 

Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Her ears, They are very sensitive.

Biggest regret: Leaving her hometown the way she did.

Minor regret: Not being a mother.

Biggest accomplishment: She won first place in a dressage contest when she was only 13.

Minor accomplishment: She had perfect attendance all through her school career.

Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: She tried out for a part in a TV show and was told she was to empty-headed for the part.

Why?  Because she never went to college even though she is often seen as smart.

Character’s darkest secret: She once killed a small bird on accident.

Does anyone else know? No, she buried the poor thing and never told a soul.


Drives and motivations: Her desire to run a retirement ranch. She works towards it every day she can.

Immediate goals: To find someone willing to back the start-up of her dream.

Long term goals: To retire on her ranch and spend her days grooming and riding horses.

How the character plans to accomplish these goals: by networking and finding sponsors.

How other characters will be affected: She would offer riding lessons and husbandry classes to the community.


Hometown: Smithville Lake, Missouri

Type of childhood: her parents were strict but loving. She was bullied some in elementary school, but it stopped when she developed and became every boy's "best friend".

Pets: She was never allowed a pet.

First memory: Watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic with her mom.

Most important childhood memory: The first time she rode a horse at 6.

Why: That is when she fell in love with horses.

Childhood hero: Seabiscuit, yes, a horse ha ha.

Dream job: Running a retirement ranch for horses.

Education: High school diploma

Religion: Agnostic

Finances: Her family was not in poverty but not well off either.


Current location: Raytown Missouri

Currently living with: alone

Pets: a cat named Calicoat whom she rescue as a little baby from an alley.


Occupation: CarHop making $3.00/hr plus tips

Finances: She makes enough for life needs and barely manages to save much.


Mother: Powderpuff

Relationship with her: They have a strong bond. They talk on the phone once a week.

Father: Blue Bouncer

Relationship with him: Fairly normal she thinks. They talk once a month.

Siblings: She has 38 brothers and 15 sisters living scattered around the world. None live near her. They get together during big holidays and a once a year family reunion.

Relationship with them: Cordial, though a bit disconnected.

Spouse: none

Relationship with him/her: N/A

Children: none

Relationship with them: N/A

Other important family members: None


Color: Turqoise

Least favorite color: Brown

Music: pop

Food: carrot cake

Literature: poetry

Form of entertainment: playing D&D

Expressions: Yippee Skipee! Okey Dokey. and Jee Wilikers.

Mode of transportation: Horseback riding

Most prized possession: Cowboy boots her mother gave her.


Hobbies: reading, writing poetry, and horseback riding.

Plays a musical instrument? no

Plays a sport? horse racing

How he/she would spend a rainy day: in bed reading

Spending habits: She is very frugal

Smokes: no

Drinks: no

Other drugs: no

What does he/she do too much of? thinking about horses and talking about them.

What does he/she do too little of? taking care of herself. Other than basic showers she doesn't really do much for herself.

Extremely skilled at: Customer service, which is why she has the job she does. She loves it.

Extremely unskilled at: flirting. She hasn't had much practice, her former lovers pursued her.

Nervous tics: none

Usual body posture: upright and straight-backed with shoulders back and bust prominent.

Mannerisms: she twitches her ears and nose when nervous.



Optimist or pessimist?

Introvert or extrovert?

Daredevil or cautious?

Logical or emotional?

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?

Prefers working or relaxing?

Confident or unsure of himself/herself?

Animal lover?


How he/she feels about himself/herself:

One word the character would use to describe self:

One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:

What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?

What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?

What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?

What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?

How does the character think others perceive him/her:

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself:

Relationships with others

The opinion of other people in general:

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?

Person character most hates:

Best friend(s):

Love interest(s):

Person character goes to for advice:

Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:

Person character feels shy or awkward around:

Person character openly admires:

Person character secretly admires:

A most important person in the character’s life before the story starts:

After the story starts