


3 years, 8 months ago


"Don't tell me you want to be my 'apprentice', too... Oh, you don't? Well then. I'm Lena, and as you can see, I'm a Grimalkin Seldnac'Rae. That talk about apprentice... Well, there's a young fennec Seldnac who apparently decided I should be her mentor. I'm good at that, of course, but she can be a little much. Though she has made great strides since learning from me - Don't tell her I said that, though. It'll mean more for her if she hears it from me directly... Eventually."
  • Name: Lena
  • Age: 61
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Species: Grimalkin Seldnac
  • Level: 130
  • Fur Color: Black
  • Flame Color: Blue
  • Eye Color: Green

  • Magics

  • Prophet (Level 5): Lena's first magic. Most of the time, it activates itself when something is about to happen to Lena, giving her between a few seconds to a split second warning. If she wants to, she an use it to try and glimpse the future; how successful she is varies. The better she knows someone, the easier it is to look into their future, but it's usually still rather vague.
  • Skin Changer (Liquidized) (Level 1): If an attack would graze her, Lena can turn her fur and skin fluid, making the attack miss after all. It does nothing against better aimed attacks though; only grazing hits can be avoided this way.
  • Death/Necromancer (Level 1): ??? (Tbd)
  • Ethereal Walker (Level 1): ??? (Tbd)
  • Immortality (Level 1): Lena cannot die of old age.

Prickly Kitty

Lena is... well, shortest description would be "Tsundere". She is very good at being sassy and a bit grumpy, but she does like spending time with others, and if she likes you, she can be super affectionate. Most of the time you'll get something in-between, though: Sure, she'd insult you and hiss a bit, but she'll hiss twice as hard at anyone mean to the people she likes. Part of her just enjoy playing the grump a bit.














Lena may often be gruff with her, but she does deeply care about the young fennec Seldnac who's decided that Lena would be her pouncing mentor. While Lena tends to be harsh in her criticism, she is always happy when Sky learns some more tricks.




A description of their relationship can go here




A description of their relationship can go here

If your OC had to wear a warning label, what would it be for?

(Together with Sky) “The dog is fine, it’s the cat you have to watch out for.”

What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary?

Lena has a medium to low pitched voice. She has a fairly extensive vocabulary, but knows how to mostly match it to the vocabulary of whoever she’s talking to, so she only rarely uses words the person she talks to doesn’t know. She usually talks neither very loudly nor very quietly, but she CAN get very loud if she needs others to hear her.

If your characters could be stuck in any video game or tv show, what would it be? Why, and would they survive?

Something Dystopian. A Cyberpunk movie/series, probably. And yeah, she’d survive.

Did you know that...
  • ... she often gets along fairly well with dogs and Vargkin Seldnac'Rae?
  • Stories Lena features in:
  • Ambush: Sky, a young fennec Seldnac’Rae, tries to surprise Lena, an older Seldnac with prophet magic.
  • A Portal Mix-up: When some young Seldnacs ask Sky to help find some volunteers for their potaling-practice, she quickly agrees - But the practice itself takes an unexpected turn...
  • A Thorny Adversary: Lena was just trying to catch some lunch when a scream forces her to change plans.