


summer event kalon #5

#FEBF15 #FE5000 #842900 #571900 #320F00

Name Kadmos
gender male (he/him)
age 25
birthday -
sexuality bisexual
relationship status single
breeding slots 3/3
occupation works at a berry farm / camp counselor
recidence an apartment in a small town


colour yellow & green
flower white lilies
plant bear grass
animal frogs
food cloudberries
beverage apple juice
sandwich -
music genre -
smell -
sound rain
quote -


  • reading
  • frogs
  • walking in the rain


  • hot weather

A quiet kid who has an undying love for frogs. Spends his days strolling in the rain and making berry jam.


Kadmos is a bit shy but polite and kind. He doesn't like being the center of attention but has a warm, understanding look to him. He's quiet around strangers but around friends talks a lot. Kadmos also loves frogs a LOT. He knows practically everything about the frog species living in the area, he takes lots of frog watching trips in the nearby bog and photographs them, owns dozens of frog books and collects frog themed items. For example his kitchen cabinets are absolutely full of frog themed dishes and his bed covered in frog plushies. Tadpoles are the best!


Kadmos is not super tall and average weight. He dresses in earthy colours, likes browns and beige wool shirts especially. Kadmos likes colorful umbrellas a lot, and his favourite one is a frog umbrella. He always carries a backpack with him for his camera, frog watching notebook and umbrella.


Kadmos works at a berry farm. His job consists mostly of selling berries at the farmers market. During the summer he also works as a camp counselor, and that's his true calling. Kadmos is really great with kids and enjoys spending time with them (and teaching them about the wonders of frogs).





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pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns