


3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


I’m good at what I do, and what I do is none of your business.

Name Riley Bennet
Alias Riley, Ri, Rye
Allignment chaotic neutral
Birthday August 31st
Age 20
Gender female
Height 5”7’
Weight 130 lbs
Orientation Lesbian
Status Taken
Occupation Aspiring voice actress
Worth $$$


  • Spicy foods
  • Soups
  • wearing cute lingerie
  • Teasing her girlfriend

  • Most men
  • Rye bread
  • Her biological family
  • Not being able to reach high places


Mischievous and clever Riley is a very charismatic person.Having pretty much grown up alone she keeps everyone at a distance keeping the conversation away from personal topics or dancing around questions. She’s a pretty good pickpocket who also loves acting feigning innocence while she’s already taken your wallet before you’ve noticed then making a quick exit. Towards Sera(her girlfriend) she’s pretty flirtatious and the two can be pretty awful together. Teasing one another and exchanging quick witted sarcastic(and sometimes crude) jokes. She likes being active and hates to be staying in one place too long. She’s a tough girl who’s not afraid to get in a physical or verbal fight but she’d rather not given the option. At heart she’s not a bad person but she does what she has to in order to make it.

Riley was an only child and her parents got like married for like tax reasons or whatever and we're like that invested in having a baby. Her dad was a workaholic pushover who let her bitchass mom order him around. Riley wasn't really supervised and by the time she was like 10 neither of them were around much other than like paying the bills so she had to learn to take care of herself. Eventually mom actually left and her dad did remarry but that's a whole mess ashlynn and I are still working out but the dad didn't learn his lesson and basically ended up abandoning her for his new family. So Riley was officially on her own at about 15 so she started learning to pickpocket people to make it. She'd been interested in theatre since she was like a kid so she takes acting classes and uses her acting skills to feign innocent/get outta trouble. Riley worked her ass off to get by and learned to be pretty stand-off ish in order to get everyone to leave her alone. So she doesn't really get how emotions and shit work. She's absolutely not afraid to fuckin beat someone's ass and got into a lot of fights both for attention and to get all the stress out from what was going on at home. Fast forward to after high school her dad showed up and tries to be back in her life again and she's not really having his shit but she does let him help pay for her college. Better coming out of his wallet than hers in her opinion may as well get something out of his guilt. Uh she met Sera because she stole her car keys on a dare.


Name Relationship

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Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec lacus et ligula cursus blandit. Phasellus tincidunt ante vel ante viverra, tempor hendrerit nulla.