Augustus Pollix



7 years, 3 months ago


  • Name Augustus Pollix
  • Species Fosh
  • Job Old Republic Admiral / Secret Sith Inquisitor
  • Sexuality Sapphic
  • Alignment Lawful Good
  • Voiceclaim Shamir from Fire Emblem: Three Houses

"Look around you. We’re all liars here – and every one of us is better than you."

The Fosh species were never numerous in number compared to the rampant humanoids, and such invest in keeping widely out of the view of galactic politics. This lead many to assume that the species had gone extinct, and thus a small expedition of Jedi were sent to examine the region of the Outer Rim that they were said to once inhabit. It took nearly three decades of searching but the homeworld of the Fosh were found. Instead of openly contacting the leadership once arriving, the expedition decided to send down an exploritary force to scout out any possible prospective jedi. They found one. A few day old chick who was set outside to watch her first sunrise, a traditional practice by the Fosh but for the jedi, reasonable grounds for taking away a child. So thus, the first contact between the Galactic Republic and the Fosh specis was the stealing of this child, along with many others. tolen from her parents soon after her birth, Augustus was trained up to be a Jedi and while excelling in her studies, experienced a great deal of trauma do to an abusive master. After being anointed as a knight of the Jedi Order, she faked her death and fled to the Republic. In the following decades, she climbed up the ranks of the Republic Navy and now spends her time defending its people from threats they realize or not

Augustus' time training up to be a Jedi was far from easy, as due to her less humanoid nature, she commonly was taken less seriously by those around her and viewed as a weaker fighter due to her physical biology. Nevertheless, she excelled in her early studies in both the academic and physical spheres. If it wasn't for her human Jedi Master, it was likely that she would have gone down as a fine example for how the Jedi are able to work as ambassadors between their homewords and the greater galactic field. That was not to be the case though, as the Master commonly took out their anger out on the young padawan, leaving her with many broken bones that eventually lead to her to wear protective metal brances on her forearms and shins in her latter life. Whenever she would bring up her concerns about her training to fellow jedi, they would dissmiss her and say that her training was just like everyone elses, so it was her personal problem that it was becoming too difficult. This abuse gradually increased overtime, to the point that on the day before what was to be her trials, she fled to the lower levels of Coruscant, where she knew that no Jedi would dare to follow.

Unsure of what do or where to really go, Augustus the first weeks wandering and just trying her best to scavenge to get by, before noticing a recruitment poster for the Republic's Armed Forces. Knowing that this likely was her only way out of this situation without having to return to the Jedi for some assistance, and thus, she took it. It wasn't hard to get readjusted to the lifestyle of wearing a uniform and having to listen to orders, but at least this time, she was respected by both her peers and her commanders. Her previous training with the Jedi assisted her greatly with assending the ranks within the Republic Navy to become a commander officer and then an Admiral at an incredibly young age for someone without any known prior connections. Now, it truly seemed that she managed to find her place within the galaxy, wearing a fancy cape and honing her hand to hand combat skills with the officers who stood by her side due to her abilities. During this time, she was assigned a personal guard, a woman named Jinaki that she slowly grew close to over the time that they spent together. It truly did seem that everything was working out and she would be able to begin to heal from the decades old trauma that came before. Or at least, that was what she thought until one very late night, a sly sith known as Vi confronted Augustus in her office and threatened to reveal her origins as a runaway jedi if she refused to cooperate with one simple that would slowly lead the admiral dangerously close to the temptations of the dark side.


  • Public Speaking
  • Sparring with Fellow Soldiers
  • White Wine and Other Spirits
  • Being with Jinaki
  • Late Night Festivals


  • Overly Extravegent Public Events
  • Jedi Sympathizers
  • Having to Work Alongside Jedi
  • Having to Travel Outside of the Inner Rim
  • Not Being Taken Seriously

profile html by Hukiolukio