Adopt's Comments

Hi I would love to adopt! take a looksie in my folder and see if you wanna trade if not i can do art or customs.

Tysm for ur interest! Ur characters are super cute but unfortunately none of them really catch my eye ^^” If ur still willing to offer that, I’d be interested 

Could I offer characters for this babe, my mains are off limits.

I can also offer art I'm more comfortable with humanoids but I can also do some furry, and I can do headshots, icons, busts, half bodies and chibi fullbodies. and i can either do these digital, traditional, or sketch. I'm also taking moodboard customs either humanoid or furry on a base. here are some examples of my art.

I don’t believe any of your characters catch my eye but I would definitely be looking for art and/or custom offers! I’m a bit more tentative with this character but please make an offer and I’ll see what I can do 💕