Travis (Paimon) Azzoroth



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Appears early 20s


Dude (He/Him)





Circle of Residence



Fire and Water



Travis was born out of a one night stand between the circus ringmaster Altair and a largely unremarkable accountant from Sloth names Roarke. After he was born he was sent to live with the latter father, as the former's curse made it difficult for him to take care of an infant. It quickly became apparent, however, that his father was not the only one to suffer from a curse. Not only did Roarke have a curse of his own, which momentarily and unpredictably transformed  him into a huge dragon, but Travis ended up inheriting both of them in a unique combination. The memory problems and fatigue exhibited in Altair would begin to show in Travis and gradually worsen,until he was forced to take a dragon form like Roarke for a period and restore his mental faculties 

Due to this unique curse, Travis found it difficult to focus in school growing up, particularly before the details of his curse were discovered. He did well socially, however, and the emergence of his strong magic along with his ability to turn into a dragon the size of a small building kept him and his friends safe from any potential bullies as he grew up. As more was discovered about his curse his school and his father grew more lenient towards his grades and this only pushed him further into disregarding his education, performing well only in magic-based classes. 

He found his father's occupation incredibly boring and always aspired to be a noble, but by the time he was a teen he was far too distracted by friendships, parties and fleeting relationships to focus on training or otherwise working towards a goal. Most of his passion went towards his hobbies, taking a strong interest in alternative music, fashion and human culture. It was during his mid teens that he insisted everyone call him Travis, rather than his birth name Paimon, as he found the latter to be far too common and plain sounding for his blossoming identity. By this point he was also skipping classes and learning the minimum he needed to perform to stop his teachers and father from intervening. While he and his father were on pleasant terms, they never quite managed to form a deep emotional bond partially due to Roarke's inexperience with young people and Travis's predisposition towards his social life.

He barely managed to pass high school and had no interest in pursuing a higher education, instead choosing to get a temporary job at a small fast food restaurant in a large mall in Sloth. He had intended to decide what he wanted to do with his life from there, earning money in the meantime, but ended up growing accustomed to the simple day to day life of such a boring job. As the restaurant he worked at was directly opposite a WcDonalds, he was never very busy and mostly spent his working hours messing around with his co workers. Months at the job quickly turned into years, and he was perfectly happy with his simple life until a series of misadventures gone too far caught the attention of the owner of the restaurant and he was fired. Riding off of a momentary wave of despair and spite, Travis decided then that this was his chance to finally fulfill his destiny and become famous. Exactly how or what he would do to achieve that was an unimportant detail.