Havok Steelpaw



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Appears mid-late 40s


Male (He/Him)





Circle of Residence



Serial Killer or Actor or Something uhhhhh


Can make his hands into big ol stony paws



Havok was born in the wilderness of Wrath, the only child of a powerful Duchess and a humble baker who had managed to steal her heart. His mother's preferred the seclusion of nature to the hustle and bustle of city life; though technology was barely rudimentary when he was brought into the world towns and cities tended to be busy and stressful to live in. 

In the place of a more typical childhood and schooling, Havok was raised on crafts his parents found more essential. His Duchess mother taught him how to hunt and fight and to think like a tactician, while the other taught him to cook, craft, and also imparted the wisdom passed down by his grandparents who were part of the last generation of Ancients. Havok slowly learned to replicate their medicinal techniques, utilising ingredients native to Wrath or even beyond Hell in order to create remedies and poultices that could treat wounds modern medicine would fail to. 

Even though he had a very pleasant childhood, as he grew older his infrequent visits to civilisation made him realise what he was missing. An interest in learning and experiencing new things had grown from his earlier life, and so as soon as he was old enough to fend for himself he left the forests of Wrath for the city. Here he became a menial labourer, hauling wood and stone all day in order to help build what would grow to become some of Wrath's oldest surviving structures. 

Living alone wasn't easy, though. He missed his family desperately and frequent visits weren't practical, and quickly he discovered his upbringing hadn't been all-encompassing and he struggled to socialise with others. Instead of saying away from these challenges, however, he took it as an opportunity to learn more. He wanted to experience all the things he'd missed out on up until now, and was confident that he would eventually learn to get along well with others. 

Things didn't quite go to plan, however. He was entirely caught off-guard by a letter from his mother stating that his other mother had been killed during a duel. While officially losing their title and possessions, the successive noble was kind enough to take pity on them and allow them to keep their property even though it would still technically be owned by the new title-holder.

Havok immediately returned to his childhood home in order to care for her remaining parent, and as a result watched as she slowly wasted away through her grief.  There was no explanation for her eventual passing, aside from perhaps having simply lost the will to live without her soul mate by her side any more. Havok buried her himself, next to the grave of his other mother, beside a lake hidden away to all but his family. 

Afterwards, he suddenly saw no need to return to his home in the city. He felt as though he owed it to his parents that he remain there and care for the house, and also he was convinced that the new owner of the house would rescind their offer if no one was living there any more. Besides, there was a comfort to living back in nature again, no longer having to push himself to be more social or keep up with developing trends and technology. For many, many years he remained as he was, living off of the land as he'd been taught and occasionally earning extra pay offering his services as a healer to those who knew of him. He even gained a neighbour in the form of the ex-general Datura Maladie, who he got on quite well with and provided what little social contact he needed. 

The next large obstacle in Havok's life came when the ownership of his family home once again swapped hands, and for the worse The new Duke was not as generous as the last noble to own the land, and while he did not kick Havok out outright he demanded extortionate amounts in rent in order to compensate for the money lost by not doing something else with the property. Havok was mortified, convinced that he wouldn't be able to generate the funds being demanded of him.

He was given a lifeline without even realising it when he was unceremoniously summoned to Earth, not by cultists or a desperate loner but by a powerful movie production company. Havok was summoned at a time where the human movie business was extremely high risk / high reward, and films were being made cheap and often in the hopes that one would turn a profit and pay for those which failed. In an attempt to create a greater profit margin, these producers had summoned Havok to stalk and murder their unsuspecting 'actors' and claim their souls, intending to film the result and pass it off as a found-footage horror movie. With the money he would make bringing excess souls back to Hell, he would have a much better chance to keep his family's property. Plus, he couldn't deny that there was something exciting about hunting something more intelligent and dangerous than the wild game native to Wrath. Believing there was nothing to lose, he created a contract with the production company and proceeded to shoot his new film.


Combined with a little help from Maladie, his work on Earth meant that he was able to pay to keep the land on which his home was situated. The true owner was greedy, though, and would often come back demanding more money for similar reasons. At the same time, Havok would be resummoned more and more frequently to film more movies with more spectacle and more kills, to the point where he even grew sick of murdering humans. He has no choice but to continue working, though, as he has no other way to pay the demands made by the noble.