Fern Miller



3 years, 8 months ago


Babbled on until my voice was gone

  • Name Fern Miller
  • Age 25 years
  • Gender Female
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"Guys look at this mushroom! Stop laughing at me and come look I swear to god."


Fern is very caring towards her friends but can be stand off-ish to strangers. She's very closed off and is rarely, if ever, willing to say how she feels. Mostly stays quiet and listens to whoevers speaking, she rarely adds much to the conversation unless its strictly just her friends in the group. She has her rowdy moments and usually hangs out with Roddy late at night to go exploring.


Her skin is very pale, with small acne scars going across parts of her face, especially her cheeks. She has dirty blonde long hair that reachers her upper back with an undercut. A small scar fits just under her right eye, this pupil also stays the same size, and cannot dilate like the other. Both eyes are grey-toned blue. She's tall and lanky, and doesn't really have any defining body traits.

  • Ethnicity White
  • Residence Colorado
  • Job Librarian
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • ● She used to be a Major horse girl growing up.
  • ● A very rowdy child, and left her parents exhausted trying to keep up with her.
  • ● Dropped out of her first year in college.
  • ● Shaved her head after moving out of her parents house, and decided to leave it short.
  • ● Looks nearly identical to her mother.
  • ● She's obsessed with nature.
  • Botany
  • Country music
  • Folklore
  • Poetry
  • Foraging
  • Urban exploring
  • Gore
  • Cars/Driving
  • Alcohol
  • Big social events
  • Receiving gifts
  • Loud music


TW // Alcoholism & Neglect

She grew up in a trailer home on the outskirts of her hometown in Colorado. Both of her parents were fairly distant, her dad struggled with alcoholism and Fern rarely had any positive interactions with him. Her mom worked two jobs to support her husband and daughter, and was rarely home to take care of the house, leaving that job to Fern. She was a very rowdy kid, and often got in trouble at school for not paying attention, not sitting still, picking fights with other students, etc. Luckily this was a phase she grew out of as she got older. She mostly gave up in her last to years of highschool, and was barely able to graduate. After that she went to a small community college, where she dropped out from the stress she was put under. She moved out of her families home right after that, and decided it'd be best if they went low-contact for a while.

She started a part time job as a cashier and got herself a small apartment to herself. She picked up exploring and foraging as cheap hobbies.


Venus Her girlfriend! The only person Fern shows a ton of affection to.

LLoyd Forced to deal with him because of Venus. Likes to bully him every now and then but thats what he gets for.... you know.

Roddy Friends! Bonded over dealing with theyre dumb partners and being nervous.

profile html by Hukiolukio