


7 years, 3 months ago


One of the core guardians of Lamentia, mirror dimension of Abstrakt.

Carcass sorts myrens as Borderline Functioning (Bordanics), or High Functioning (Neuranics)

Borderline Functioning myrens often have lost connection with their rationality, and due to this have lost the ability to analyze situations and calculate things in a normal manner. They are often hard to control, and are extremely violent. Users of Bordanics are advised caution. However, they are known to have a high ability to cause destruction and wield a stronger sense of attack to make up for this. Along with an abnormal rate of power, they can have high agility and speed, which can be described as seeing a monster. Their high sensitivity cannot be compared to that of Neuranics, and so they are used as weapons often by High Tiers. Their states can be further sorted as Byzerc, Valantis, Hethenis, and Alkaark.  Bordanics are controlled by binding spell shackles and the powerful ones are often seen in dungeons. 

High Functioning myrens have keen intellect and a skill to plan things in a wise manner. Their sharp senses of analysis and strategizing cannot be compared to that of Bordanics. As most Mentalics are wielders of wisdom, intellect, analysis, and calculation, they are important to Carcass as they can handle rampages and problems easily. The ones who possess an abnormal rate of these characteristics are sorted as High Tier Emmissaries. However, they heavily lack strength and power during combat to balance their intellect, and so they use Bordanics as weapons of war.