Callum Tam



3 years, 11 months ago



Callum Tam
Blood Hunter/Warlock


Callum Tam—a weapon, a killer, an emotionless tool that exists only to do his father's terrible bidding. Or, at the very least, that is what he used to be known as.

The Callum Tam of the past is gone, and the person who stands in his place is a different person. Once a weapon, used only to hurt others, he has learned to protect those he cares about, and those who cannot protect themselves. He struck out into the wilds of Faerûn with his companions to stop a queen from returning and destroying the world, and found his new family and friends in the process. Callum became a hero without even meaning to, risking and even giving his life more than once to ensure the safety of others, and the world. However, his quest is over and won, and now he travels as a simple hunter of monsters, doing his best to make sure innocents are not slaughtered, and that the world remains at peace for as long as possible.


Skin tone
Dark purple / Silver freckles
Hair style
Hair Color
Darker purple
Neutral, subtle



  • He has silver amethyst stud earrings.
  • His horns are smooth, not ridged.
  • He has silver freckles dusted across his nose and shoulders.
  • He has a slender tail a few feet long that ends in a slim arrowhead shape.

Borne of a childhood where the slightest wrong move meant pain and suffering, Callum is a master of his own expressions. His default is the epitome of neutral, not allowing himself to react to even the most alarming of circumstances. A skill that allowed him to survive to be an adult, Callum's habit of not showing emotions became a hindrance when he ran away from his father's rule. It became a strange trait that made him stand out in normal society, and left it difficult for him to interact with other people. To compensate, Callum created a false alter ego after observing people as closely as he could and seeing what normal society found charismatic. And although this strategy allowed him to evade his father and survive on his own, it also skewed his sense of self even further beyond his usual blank slate. Even after the blood hunter order Callum was a part of, the Order of the Profane Soul, took him in, Callum still struggled with understanding who, exactly, he really was.

It was only once he met Tulip, Galdric, and Dimble that Callum began to uncover his own personality, and discover his own self of identity. With their help, he began to discover his likes and dislikes, his favorite foods, how it felt to sleep somewhere he felt totally safe. Slowly but surely, as the four of them journeyed across Faerûn together and faced perils and trials, the hard knot of identity at Callum's core began to unspool. And, for the first time in his life, he discovered how to be a person. As he fought for his life, and for the lives of his friends, Callum discovered what loyalty was. He discovered that fear was not always a bad thing, if it meant that last push he needed in a fight. That happiness felt like warm, fluttering birds underneath his collarbone. That grief tasted like salt, but was important if he wanted to remember someone he cared about, that had gone. Callum began to understand how to smile, even as small and subtle as they tended to be, and how to laugh, albeit softly.

And though, now, Callum understands the weight of his own emotions, and what they mean, it is still hard for him to shake his old habits. Callum smiles, now, but they are always just the faintest upturning of the corners of his mouth. His surprise is just the faintest widening of his eyes, his anger only the slightest press of his lips. Callum still struggles with expressing himself, and his visible emotional cues remain incredibly subtle. It is, however, a vast improvement from the complete neutrality he used to stand by. Where there was once a blank slate, barren of anything resembling emotions, Callum now allows himself to feel in a way he never could, or would, before. Outside of his father's influence, and with the help of his chosen family, Callum has blossomed. And though he still struggles with his past, with his fear, he has rejected the person he used to be, and the creature that made him that way. Though he still walks a neutral path, and can struggle to find and stay its course sometimes, it is now his own, and he will not allow it to be taken from him again.

For thousands of years, the kyton known as Choronzon served his master, the Demon Lord Graz'zt, with desperate loyalty. Choronzon tortured and broke down the souls of sinful mortals for pleasure, using the spiked and hooked chains kytons were known for to flay and tear them to pieces. He was created for this purpose, and he did not hesitate to carry out his duty as Graz'zt expected him to. Day after day, year after year, millennia after millennia, Choronzon the Chain Devil fulfilled his purpose with zealous glee, relishing in the blood and the screams and the suffering.

Until the day that he didn't.

It came to the point where Choronzon no longer felt the upswinging, feral joy from torturing that he had once experienced. His passion began to cool, his glee curdling into an emotion he had never felt before. Guilt. With each lash of his chains, with each agonized scream, Choronzon began to feel overwhelmed by sympathy for his victims. Eventually, every blow to them felt like one to himself, and even the gentlest of strikes made him flinch. And as time continued to pass, Choronzon came to a realization: he was not like his brothers. The emotions he was experiencing were not normal for a devil, and absolutely not normal for a kyton. A devil created to torture.

And so, the devil came to a decision. He knew that simply leaving was not an option, as his brothers and his lord would hunt him down without mercy. He knew, to the deepest core of his being, that he was not meant to be a devil. At least, not anymore. And so, in a bid to not only hide from his former master, but to also embrace who Choronzon believed he was supposed to be, he decided to become something else. To become the very thing he had been destroying for as long as he could remember. A mortal, with a soul of his own that could be corrupted or saved.

And so, Choronzon reached out. Under the nose of his master, he reached out to another powerful entity: The Eternal Admonition. A skeletal court of minor beings who ruled over their own corner of death, Choronzon approached them with a deal he hoped they could not refuse. In return for changing him, for turning the fiendish body into one of mortal flesh and crafting him a soul to go inside of it, Choronzon would give them his service, for all the time he lived and beyond it. The soul gifted to him would, when Choronzon reached an age where he would become useful, be given back to the Admonition, and Choronzon would become their Reaper. Their servant while he lived, bringing them the souls of those who would run from them, and their ward after his death, allowed to slumber peacefully for his service.

However, the Eternal Admonition could not complete such an undertaking alone. It was only with the help of Szass Tam, the evil lich king of Thay, that they were able to spin a soul into existence from the careful threads of fate. Szass Tam, a master over death and the workings of the mortal soul, was able to weave the shape of the soul into existence, and with their own power, the Admonition breathed life into it. And together, they crafted a vessel of mortal flesh to house it. And yet, when the soul that held the kyton that had once been known as Choronzon was placed into the body of the human infant Szass Tam had crafted in his image, the flesh bled to purple, and the eyes turned a pure silver. A tail, slim and forked, curled around the baby, and tiny nubs where horns would one day grow appeared on his brow.

And so, the tiefling Callum was born.

However, Callum's story did not become a happy one. Taken in by Szass Tam, Callum was given his surname, and adopted as his "son". But the fact remained that the lich king of Thay held no sympathy, no shred of good within his dead heart. He had not taken in the infant that was Callum for any reason other than he believed the baby would be useful in the future, and that he had plans to turn him into a weapon. However, the lich could not shake the irritation of the child's race; he had made the boy to be in his image, a pale human, as a visual representation of his claim. That the influence of Callum's devilish origins had warped the vessel was a point of rage for the king of Thay, and so in his wrath he decided to never allow the boy to show his true face. Crafting a necklace of ivory carved into a raven's skull, Szass Tam enchanted it with a powerful casting of the spell Alter Self, locked into a specific form. And so the lich forced the boy to always wear its guise, that of a pale human boy with silver eyes and a dusting of freckles, for the 12 hours it lasted. And to be seen without its protection was the equivalent of death, for young Callum.

And so, in this manner, the boy grew, and his every waking moment was one of fear. Of his father, of the Red Wizards that both worked for and opposed him, of the zombies and ghouls that existed in the castle as servants. Callum learned to tread carefully, and to keep his face blank, for he knew no other way to survive under his father's rule. He knew, from experience, that any small mistake, any little misstep, meant pain and agony for him, whether it come from his father or those who served him. Torture was normal, suffering was expected. Throughout the entirety of his childhood, Callum learned to cower. To bow, and scrape, and beg. His father broke him down and built him back up exactly as he wanted him to be. A weapon, devoid of emotion. Of feeling. Of love and care and compassion. Callum, from the moment he was born, was molded into Szass Tam's perfect, obedient weapon. And the boy who was shy and gentle and timidly kind, and liked to pet kittens because they were soft, and liked the feel of the rain on his bare skin, was completely erased before he ever had the chance to exist. To become who he was originally meant to be.

And it was once Szass Tam was satisfied with his creation that Callum's life became even worse. At the age of seventeen, Callum was violently dragged out of his bed by the servants of the king, and brought before his father in the throne room. And it was there that he was driven to his knees, held on both sides by undead, and forced to choke down the alchemical potion known as the Hunter's Bane as his father watched. And as Callum fell to the ground, writhing in agony as the Bane burned through his system, twisting his insides and altering his body, Szass Tam loomed above him with a smile. For if Callum survived the intense trauma of the Hunter's Bane, he would finally become the weapon Szass Tam sought. The ultimate tool to keep his enemies in fear of him, and to keep them in line where they belonged.

After the longest night of his life, after his body was mutated and corrupted, Callum did survive. He awoke to find himself what every being that survived the Hunter's Bane became: a blood hunter. He barely had enough time to understand his new abilities, however, before his father threw him into his first mission. And then the next, and the next, and the next. Where before, Callum was a ghost in the palace, held close and kept secret, now he was sent out almost constantly to do his father's bidding. His hands became stained with blood, both evil and innocent, and he was forced to commit atrocities that left him trembling and wracked with guilt. And as Callum spiraled downward into an even deeper pit, he felt something open up deep within him. A yawning black hole that sucked up his misery, and his sanity. Though he knew nothing of the way a blood hunter could fall to the Bane if their despair overwhelmed them, he could feel it. Feel the blackness lapping at his soul like the high tide coming in from the shore. And he knew that if he stayed, if he continued on his current path, he would lose his mind. He would fall to the beast within.

And so, as Choronzon before him had sought to run from his place in life, Callum also began his plan to run, and hide from the master he served. Relying on no one but himself, as Callum knew any outside help couldn't be trusted, he began to gather supplies and squirrel them away to a bolthole outside of the castle. Steeped in fear of being caught, he tread every step with care, and made sure to use the utmost secrecy. And, finally, when he felt at his breaking point—he ran. Sent on another mission of tyranny for his father, he instead took all the things he had hidden and fled, with all the reckless abandon of the pursued and terrified.

And so, Callum escaped from his father, and the terrible country of Thay. On the road, alone, he struggled to survive in a world he did not understand. Used to cruelty, manipulation, and deception, Callum found it impossible to trust anyone he met, and therefore shied away from anyone who might have helped him. And as he began to understand that his normal coping mechanisms, his blank slate personality and his neutral expressions, only made him stand out, Callum also began to develop his social alter ego. He observed society's admiration of nobles, and the way they assumed they acted, and adopted it as his own while around others. And so, he survived on his own in a strange and confusing society he did not understand.

Until, that is, he was found. Not by his father, or one of his enemies, but by a man with a silver medallion that felt familiar to Callum in a way he did not understand. That man turned out to be another blood hunter, and he brought Callum to one of the only places he maybe belonged: the headquarters of the Order of the Profane Soul, the blood hunter order Callum was a part of. There, the other blood hunters finally showed Callum just what his abilities did, and what they meant. They showed him what it really meant to be a blood hunter, tracking down and killing monsters that threatened society and the innocents. The other members guided him down a road where he could make his own living without hiding or running. And though the path of a blood hunter was a lonely one, Callum embraced it, traveling from town to town and killing monsters for coin, food, and a place to sleep safely for the night.

And so he lived as such, until Callum found himself on the road to the town of Greenest. Traveling with three other companions, Callum paid them no attention until they arrived at the town itself—and found it under attack by an unfamiliar enemy. Banding together with those he had been on the road with, Callum and his companions were able to repel the attack on the town, and in the process formed a bond borne of blood and the act of risking one's life together. It was then, ragged but victorious, that Callum's fate became entwined with theirs. With Galdric, a town guard of Waterdeep, and a man who cared deeply for his family. With Tulip, a wayward tiefling who had stumbled into a well, and in the process found herself in a different world. And with Dimble, a forest gnome blessed with the ability to see the future, and with it a taste for adventure his grandmother always warned him about.

And it was this single instance that began the adventure of Callum's life. Together, he and the rest of his party were set onto the path of discovering that those who had attacked Greenest were known as the Cult of the Dragon, a group who sought to resurrect the evil queen of the dragons, Tiamat. Together, the four of them chased the cult across Faerûn, thwarting them whenever possible. However, they were not always successful, and Callum himself died and was resurrected twice throughout their journey. Despite their hardships and setbacks, however, the group perservered, and became more tight-knit than any family. Callum fought for them fiercely as he never had for anything else, and learned to love them all deeply. Galdric became the father Callum never had, as Tulip became a sweet and innocent love that Callum was helpless to resist, and Dimble became Callum's deepest and most trusted friend. Side by side with his family, Callum fought for the whole of Faerûn because they asked him to, and because he wanted to. He learned to live, and feel his emotions for the first time. Throughout their journey to stop Tiamat, Callum earned his family, and took his first steps on learning how to be a person.

And, at the end of their story—the four heroes found themselves victorious. Together, after months of fighting and secrecy, blood and fear, they finally found themselves at the head of an army, and facing the leaders of the Cult of the Dragon. And, together, they stopped them. They slew those who sought to resurrect the queen, facing against Tiamat herself in order to stop them. At the end, they all stood, bloody and exhausted, but together. And alive. Callum and his family came out the other side of an experience that should have, and did, kill them. And they did it together, unwilling to let go of each other with a ferocity that spoke of the strength of their bond, and the unbridled love they held for each other.

And even after their journey, even after Tiamat was laid to rest once again and her Cult scattered and broken, Callum's family did not fracture. Though they continued to follow their own journeys, not a single one of their group left the others. Callum, similarly, travels the land now, making his living as he once did—hunting monsters that would harm the innocent. But he always comes home to those who love him, and those he loves. Callum has never, and will never, forget what they went through together. He will keep his experiences close to his heart, as he does the people he cares for. As Callum walks the land, traveling to help those who cannot help themselves, he remembers. And he grows, slowly but surely. And he becomes a better and more real person, one step and one journey and one act at a time.



  • Flowers
  • His friends
  • Hunting
  • When Hazirawn is quiet


  • His father
  • Murder
  • Being forced to kill
  • Thay


  • Fast reflexes
  • Enchanted armor
  • Battle experience
  • Supernatural enhancement


  • Weak-willed
  • Low confidence
  • Reliant on approval of others
  • Fears rejection of those he cares for

Blood Hunter

Callum is a blood hunter in the Order of the Profane Soul, and therefore possesses abilities given to him both by the Hunter’s Bane he imbibed upon becoming a blood hunter as well as from his patron, the Eternal Admonition. The Hunter’s Bane changed Callum, enhancing him physically while also scarring and twisting the inside of his body. His soul was sold to the Eternal Admonition before his birth, and they now grant him spellcasting and other abilities.

Enhanced Physical Abilities
Callum is stronger, faster, and more agile than a normal person, as well as having a faster rate of healing. He has combat instincts that are heightened by his unnatural reflexes, as well as the intense and brutal training he underwent after becoming a Blood Hunter.

Crimson Rite
By spilling his own blood and taking damage, Callum has the ability to enchant the weapon he’s holding for extra offense with the Rite of the Storm for lightning, the Rite of the Frozen for cold, or the Rite of the Flame for fire. These last for as long as Callum is holding the enchanted weapon, and he cannot heal from the damage taken until the Crimson Rite has ended.

Rite Focus
Upon growing stronger, Callum also unlocked a higher form of his rite, granted by his patron. Whenever Callum kills a creature with a rited weapon, this grants him the ability to heal a small amount.

Blood Maledicts
Additionally, Callum has access to Blood Maledicts, which can be inflicted upon any opponent of his that possesses blood. Callum may also choose to amplify his Blood Maledicts by inflicting damage upon himself. Currently, Callum can use Blood Maledicts three times a day, and can use the following:

  • Blood Curse of Spell Sunder: When a caster uses a spell within 60 feet of Callum, he can attempt to disrupt the casting. By amplifying this curse, he can automatically make the spell fail.
  • Blood Curse of the Marked: Callum may use this curse on a creature within 60 feet of him, making it more susceptible to the damage dealt by his Crimson Rite, effectively doubling it for his next few attacks. Amplifying this curse removes any resistances the creature might have towards Callum’s rite damage.
  • Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet: When a creature falls unconscious or dies within 30 feet of Callum, he may inflict this curse upon it to have it rise again to deal a single attack to his enemies. Amplifying this curse makes the risen creature’s attack more powerful.
  • Blood Curse of the Eyeless: Callum may use this curse in reaction to an attack, temporarily inflicting blindness upon his attacker to lower the chances of the attack hitting. Amplifying this curse lengthens its time by a few more seconds.

Enhanced Scent
Callum’s sense of smell has been enhanced, as well as attuned to the smells of fae, fiends, and undead. These types of creatures can’t sneak up or surprise him, and he can easily identify and track them.

Mystic Frenzy
When casting a cantrip, Callum may also make a single weapon attack.

Diabolic Channel
A higher form of Mystic Frenzy, Callum can imbue a weapon attack with his spellcasting ability, layering a spell onto his weapon. If Callum’s weapon attack connects with his target, his chosen spell is also inflicted upon them.

Revealed Arcana
An ability granted by his patron, this allows Callum to cast the spell Blindness/Deafness once per day.

Scar Flaring
Callum can choose to take damage to himself in order to flare his internal scars, inflicted upon him when he consumed the Hunter’s Bane, to intimidate others.

Grim Psychometry
This allows Callum to gain vague information from an item’s past by holding it and meditating upon it for 10 minutes.

Dark Velocity
This grants Callum enhances to his natural darkvision, and also makes him blend into the shadows. When in dim or dark light, Callum gains an improvement to his speed, as well as appearing more misty and insubstantial, making him more difficult to attack.


Separate but intertwined with his blood hunter abilities due to the patron for both being the same, Callum also possesses abilities granted to him as a warlock. While the connection to the Eternal Admonition through his blood hunter abilities is secondary, his abilities as a warlock are directly granted by the Admonition, and are inherently different.

Callum’s main warlock power is his ability to cast spells, which stacks with and strengthens the spellcasting granted to him from being a Profane Soul blood hunter. Callum knows spells up to third level, which are listed here:

( can be cast at will )

third level
( six spell slots avaliable )

Eldritch Invocations
Along with his spellcasting, Callum is also granted these special abilities given directly from his patron to aid him in his service. Currently, Callum has two Eldritch Invocations. His first is Whispers of the Grave, which allows him to cast Speak with Dead at will. His second is Shroud of Shadows, which allows him to cast Invisibility at will.

Undying Patron
As a warlock to a specific type of patron, Callum is also gifted with the Among the Dead ability. This makes him resistance to diseases, and also dissuades undead creatures from attacking him. If an undead with a weak will attempts to attack Callum in any way, it instead must stop its attack or choose another target rather than hit him.

Racial Traits

Completely outside of his abilities as a blood hunter or a warlock, Callum is also a tiefling, a person born of devilish influence. Callum can naturally see in complete darkness, is resistant to fire, and has minor inherent spellcasting. He can cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip at will, and may cast Hellish Rebuke and Darkness once per day.

Hazirawn [ Weapon ]
A sentient neutral evil greatsword. On its own, Hazirawn is a +1 weapon that deals an extra 1d6 of necrotic damage. When its user is attuned, however, Hazirawn becomes a +2 weapon with an extra 2d6 of necrotic damage, and also gains the ability to stop the healing of anyone it injures for one minute. Additionally, Hazirawn has four charges that its attuned user can expend to cast spells. Its user can expend one charge to cast Detect Evil and Good or Detect Magic, or two charges to cast Detect Thoughts. A single d4 of these charges are regained every night at midnight.

Dragonfang [ Weapon ]
A finesse scimitar with the versatile quality, dealing 1d8 damage when two-handed. Dragonfang may also be twisted apart to become two duel-wielded scimitars that each deal 1d6 of damage.

Amethyst Pendant [ Arcane Focus ]
A finger-sized shard of amethyst that sits on a long silver chain. The crystal is charged with magic, and is the focus that allows Callum to cast his warlock spells. When used, it glows with a soft purple light.

Carved Ivory Raven Skull [ Magic Item ]
A magic item given to Callum by his father. It holds the ability to cast Alter Self for a 12 hour period once per day. However, the form it gives him is fixed and cannot be changed, being that of a pale, silver-eyed human with faded freckles over his nose and cheekbones.

Circlet of Flexibility [ Magic Item ]
A silver circlet set with an amethyst that increases Callum’s dexterity exponentially, making him notably more agile and harder to strike in battle.

Earrings of Deflection [ Magic Item ]
A pair of silver amethyst studs whose magic provide Callum with protection against all kinds of physical and magical attacks.

Enchanted Breastplate: [ Magic Item ]
Callum’s armor, a set of heavily magicked, high-quality breastplate that protects him but does not restrict his movement.

Boots of Elvenkind [ Magic Item ]
A pair of black boots that make Callum’s steps completely silent. They greatly increase his stealth potential.

Goggles of Night [ Magic Item ]
A pair of goggles that increase Callum’s natural darkvision by 60 feet, giving him the ability to see as far as 150 feet out in complete darkness.

Night Caller [ Magic Item ]
A small, transparent crystal whistle carved in the shape of a curled-up dragon. If the whistle is blown in darkness or under the night sky, it allows the user to cast the Animate Dead spell.

Ring of Water Walking [ Magic Item ]
A blue and silver ring that allows the wearer to walk across water and other liquids as though it were solid ground.

My name is Callum. Just Callum.

Is it not your responsibility to care for your people? Do they not put their faith in you to do so?

I can do it. Trust me. Please.

You don't understand. My father sold my soul before I was born. He would kill you.

The Eternal Admonition sends their regards.

I want power. The power to protect them. Give it to me, and I'll give you everything I am.

I don't like you. And I don't trust you.

I didn't know what it felt like, before. Grief. It wasn't real to me. But now? Now it is.

Just shut up and fight.


Nightal 15th
True Neutral
Purple Iris


  • His soul was sold to a court of skeletal death beings before his "birth". They now supply him with magic, and he serves them as a warlock.
  • His "father" is a deeply evil lich, and the king of the necromantic country, Thay, found in East Faerûn. Callum currently rejects him, and all he stands for.
  • He is a blood hunter, meaning his body has been changed and enhanced by the magic liquid known as the Hunter's Bane. This better allows him to fight monsters and demons.
  • Callum is one of the four heroes that defeated the Cult of the Dragon and prevented the summoning of the evil dragon queen, Tiamat. Through the perilous journey, however, he found his new family in the party he traveled with.

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