
3 years, 8 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title N/A
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Guardian
    • Religion Etheralism
    • Handedness Right Handed
    • Age Nineteen
    • Species Kosian


    Senna is rather tall, a trait her species are known for. Her slim tail has a fork like that of a snake’s tongue and is a light blue colour, the top half covered in a white, icy texture. Her white hair goes down to her shoulder blades and has blue strands throughout it. Her bangs are brushed to the sides and out of her icy blue eyes. Senna is often seen wearing an ice themed outfit in multiple shades of blue. Crystals form on the choker around her neck, as well as on the waistline and chest area of her outfit. It is a one piece outfit with knee length trousers and edgy straps. Attached to the waistline, there is a blue fabric that acts similar to a cape. She never wears shoes and her skin is a light blue.


    • BUILD Tall and fit

    • FOOD Fresh fruit
    • COLOUR Light blue and teal
    • ANIMAL Seals
    • SETTING Anywhere with her sister
    • WEATHER Cold and snowy
    • DRINK Smoothies
    • NUMBER Three
    • GENRE True stories
    • ACTIVITY Ice sculpting
    • TIME OF DAY Night time


    • The cold
    • Art
    • Feeling important


    • Her sister being upset
    • Most people
    • Loud noises


    • Ice sculpting
    • Ice skating
    • Crafting/Painting

    Senna is a young Kosian with a more serious, grounded personality. She is a clever individual, able to craft many things from little resources. Her good intuition has saved her and her sister many times, but she tends to never give other people a chance. In the presence of strangers, she is closed off and defensive, seeing everyone else as a potential enemy until she feels she can really trust them. Senna rarely ever smiles, which is why her sister, Virandra, makes it her mission in life to make her happy. Senna is more concerned with other matters, however, as she fears failing her twin, herself and the other guardians of Aradia.


    • The cold
    • Good intuition
    • Crafting things


    • Fire
    • Her tail
    • Too serious all the time


    Senna had one main aspiration growing up. Despite her and Virandra being the same age, she has only wanted to protect her twin from the harshness of the world. Even now, she still desires to support and aid her sister however she can. Now, however, she has a new duty, a duty to guard one of the entries leading to and from Endurance. As the workaholic that she is, she takes this role very seriously and strives to do her best every day.


    • Losing her sister
    • Making mistakes


    • Rarely smiles
    • Automatically defensive around others


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Calm, often emotionless
    • COMMON STARTER “Don’t see other people around here very often… what do you want?”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Assumes where a conversation is going before it goes there
  • Species

    [ Kosian ] The Kosian are an intelligent species with multiple variants. They have unique elements like lava, psychic and lightning, to name a few. Their abilities come from their advanced minds, as it is what gives them their magic. Their tails do, however, play a huge part in how strong they are. Their species all have similar tails in the shape of a Y. It is what represents their strength and rank. The longer it is, the more powerful they are. Royalty often have a longest tail, since their bloodline is believed to be the strongest. While it does represent their power, it is also their weak point. The tail itself is made up of small, yet extremely powerful and near unbreakable bones. Despite this, however, they are very sensitive. If the skin of the tail is pierced, or the bone somehow gets damaged, it causes them unimaginable pain. It gets worse, however, if it is damaged beyond repair, or severed completely. If this happens, they could lose their powers entirely. Their tail is the key to maintaining their powers, since they filter their energy through their whole body in order to not lose control. Due to their tails being so important, they are often protected at all costs. They are held upright, close to their body despite them being reasonably heavy. This is to ensure their tails are closer to their body in order to protect them easier and make them harder to damage.


    [ Frosian ] The Frosian are an intelligent species and one of the few variants of Kosian. They possess ice abilities, which is made possible from their advanced minds, but the strength of it depends on their tails. The Frosian are stronger than most of the other subspecies. They are good in combat and very calculating by nature. Their talent in identifying their opponents moves before they even make it is what makes them so powerful, as they dodge and attack with precise movements. Being ice types, they are also able to withstand incredibly cold temperatures. Their skin is thicker than most of the other elements and ice cold to the touch, much like their blood.


    Senna is a young Frosian, which means she has thick skin. This is necessary due to the cold climates in which her species live, as it helps to regulate their body temperature no matter the weather. This unique feature makes her immune to snow and extreme cold, which is a must for a powerful ice user who lives in a frozen castle. She can freeze lakes and water by a single touch, as well as manipulate ice and make it snow at will, even underground, which makes her very much in control of her own powers.

  • History

    Senna and her twin sister, Virandra, were born in Harren Town, as their mother was heavily pregnant during a hunt. It was said a legendary creature could be found in this place and there was a hefty reward for capturing it, dead or alive. They, however, had to postpone their search for it, as their two special girls were born. Despite being born twins, the children looked nothing alike, being two completely opposite elements. This led to many rumours about them being cursed or even possessed. They were quite a handful, however, as their parents knew nothing about caring for an ice type. This often led to Senna being sickly compared to her lava type sister. With two young children to take care of, their mother often stayed behind while their father continued the hunt for the mysterious creature of Harren Town. In the end, they left this town as their search came up empty. From there, they travelled a lot, hunting various creatures while looking after their children the best they could. Senna and Virandra were constantly on the move. It was all they ever knew growing up. Their parents trained them to be skilled fighters and helped them master their fire and ice powers. It was not long before they surpassed their mother and father, despite their young age. They were to be bounty hunters just like their parents, and were well trained for the job. The two sisters, however, hated it and wanted to be something else. When they turned fifteen, their mother got extremely sick and died shortly after, leaving their father to hunt and take care of the children alone. The following year, he went out and never came back, disappearing without a trace. Senna and Virandra have been on their own ever since, but ventured into the world with their own goals set in their minds. No longer tied down by their parents' expectations, these two went on a journey around the planet, discovering many new things, meeting people and being chased by various dangerous creatures. In the end, they met two people from a different land, Valancia and Safiyah. They immediately connected with these individuals and decided to join them in their duty to protect the two lands from each other. Finally finding their true purpose in life, they did not realise the consequences that came with it. In order for this to work, the sisters had to live in different areas, Senna by Frost Wolf Lake and Virandra by The Lake of Sustenance. Being seperated for the first time since birth, these two had a hard time coping without the other, but they eventually built places of their own, where they could live and watch over the few entrances to the other land. They, however, make sure to visit each other whenever they can.


    Senna and her twin were born in Harren Town. This place is located against the outside of the Labyrinth of Diamond, sitting between both of the rivers, which come from the Lake of Sustenance. The town is named after a legendary creature people have named, The Herren. This being has never been properly seen, yet this place has the most recorded ‘sightings’. People say it is a bird-like creature, eyes of two different colours and a wingspan of several hundred feet, others believe it is an aquatic species, serpentine in shape. It had reportedly been spotted in the rivers, and in the air, yet no one is able to give a clear description of the creature. It has, however, made this place a rather popular place for those in search of the beast, needing to find out more and if it possessed any special abilities. They are the ones who believe, maybe, just maybe, it holds the answers to their survival. Harren Town was never considered home for these two sisters, however, as they only ever knew a life on the road, travelling with their parents as they hunted down creatures for various rewards.

    Current Residence

    Nowadays, Senna lives by herself in the Frozen Time Towers. This is a group of five towers, all completely made up of ice. Centred in the middle of four, there is the largest tower, Senna’s home. Using her ice type powers, she was able to make these towers herself. She also made some ice sculptures of animals and things that interest her, sometimes even setting up displays of them, making it appear like it was all frozen in time.

  • Ancestry

    • Senna and her twin sister, Virandra, come from a long line of Lakosian, lava type Kosian
    • A few of their distant ancestors, however, were Frosian’s, ice type Kosian
    • Their ancestors and parents were famous bounty hunters


    • Despite living on her own for a few years now, Senna still misses her sister dearly, although she would never want Virandra to worry so keeps it a secret
    • She knows many secrets the planet holds and that there are two lands, separated by fate. Many who live here have never felt safe enough to venture around the world and discover what it holds


    • As an ice type born into a family of lava types, Senna was often sick growing up
    • Despite being twin sisters, Senna and Virandra look nothing alike and possess two very different elements. This is due to the fact that while their parents are both lava types, ice types are in the family, deep in their ancestry.
    • Since the twins are not royals by blood, they are less powerful, their tails are shorter.