Vyrilein Neitzol (Arc-V)



3 years, 8 months ago


this profile is so outdated omg ill redo it soon

Good old Vy makes a triumphant return! Where Duel Academy goes, Vy goes lol. Redesigned to fit into the Arc-V universe, more specifically the Fusion Dimension with Aster Phoenix, her best friend! I know Alexis is there too but I don’t care as much, Aster is baby. 

fyi her character follows this theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fcLj7mHlpo

GX counterpart: https://toyhou.se/5491970.vyrilein-neitzol

Name: Vyrilein Neitzol

Nicknames: Vy (mostly by Aster/Edo)

Gender/Sex: Female

Dimension: Fusion

Personality: Contrary to her character in GX, this Vyrilein is much more mature and quiet. Shaken to her core by the loss of Zane, her more outgoing and childish personality has retreated inward, leaving only a shell of vengeance and emptiness. She’s serious and straight to the point, wanting to get whatever it is she has to do done so she can go back to hunting down the Xyzians who took Zane from her. She even shakes off her closest friend, Aster, sometimes for this purpose. However, if there’s a shred of humanity left in her, it’s thanks to Aster, who hasn’t stopped trying to bring back the Vyrilein he once knew. She sees him defect against Fusion and couldn't be more disappointed.

Deck: Cyber Dragons (again)

Story: wip but it's something like this: Vyrilein knew both Aster/Edo and Zane/Ryo from a young age, though they became much closer friends once they finally attended Duel Academy together. They all believed thoroughly in The Professor's mission, and put all of their effort into fulfilling it. They even worked together when invading the Xyz Dimension, working to subdue those who resisted and ensure that the Fusion Dimension conquered them thoroughly. Unfortunately, one day, Zane/Ryo went missing without a trace, having failed to inform both Vy and Edo/Aster. They could only assume that it was the Xyzians fault, and as a result, Vy grew to hate the Xyzians. Initially, she had only seen defeating them as a means to an end, but after Zane/Ryo disappeared, Vyrilein truly hated them, coming to enjoy hunting them down for the sake of making them suffer as much as they'd made her when they took Zane/Ryo away. Aster/Edo realized that her mindset was a bit destructive, and did try to help, but as she was helping big time with their mission, didn't try to stop her entirely. Even after the Landers convinced Aster/Edo to turn against the Fusion Dimension, it took a while longer before Vyrilein was convinced, instead seeing Aster/Edo as a traitor to her and their friendship. However, in the end, she did agree to fighting the Fusion Dimension, albeit with immense coaxing from Aster/Edo. Despite this, she still dislikes the Xyzians, even after agreeing to help them.

Romantic Partner: Zane Truesdale/Ryo Marufuji(deceased)

Likes: winning, dueling, hunting Xyzians

Dislikes: Xyzians, the Standard Dimension, the Xyz Dimension, losing, wasting time

Friends: Aster/Edo Phoenix (her best and pretty much only friend)

Enemies: Any Xyzians

Design Notes:

-I just noticed the error of which dimension duel disk she has, so please don't draw the duel disk for now