Moon/Eclipse (Among Us Sona)



3 years, 11 months ago


Moon (Crewmate // Red )

SHE/HER  -- 24 -- Aro/Ace -- Draconic Alien -- Medical ‘Professional’

Theme Song: 

Feels insanely guilty if she votes for the wrong person. (HUGE GUILTY CONSCIOUS)

Goes off on her own to get her tasks done, rarely groups up but doesn’t mind if someone follows her.

Too trusting.

Vibes with Glitch once her tasks are done.

Chills in cams when tasks are done or just wanders around and keeps an eye on her crewmates.

Will haunt the fuck out of whoever kills her once her tasks are done.

Protective of Neil (mini crewmate] he absolutely clings to her and loves helping her with tasks.

Accident prone.

Hates tasks that involve punching in numbers (Fixing O2 etc…] because her dyscalculia makes it very tough.

Tired 95% of the time.

Sometimes zones out/dissociates so she doesn’t always see who was around her.

Plays/Sings sad music/quotes memes if she’s voted off/dies.

**Wings are optional.


Eclipse (Imposter // Red )

SHE/HER  -- 24 -- Aro/Ace -- Draconic Alien -- Insomniac Maniac

Theme Song:

Incredibly good at lying.

Works well with every imposter,

but is especially deadly when working with Nona, Cheems or Ruben.

Laughs maniacally if she gets caught red handed

and can’t defend herself. “It was meeee!!”

So sleep deprived she’s basically evil and sleep drunk.

Be wary if she suspects Glitch without really solid evidence. It usually means she’s the imposter.

If she’s feeling angry or vengeful? FUCKING. RUN.

The more kills she makes the more monstrous looking she gets, more mouths/eyes/blood etc.

Neil (mini crewmate) is terrified of her, but will stick with her no matter what.

100% Will throw her fellow imposter under the bus if it means winning.

Colors inverted from ‘Moon’.

“Red helps hide the blood, s’why I main it.”

**Wings are optional, mouths and eyes can be random and anywhere on her.
