[foal] Terra



7 years, 3 months ago



Name: Terra

Age Range: Child

Clan: Philoden Back-story: Terra stays near home like a good girl and listens to her elders quite well...aside from the part where she is a complete handful and is constantly bounding around the hooves of the much bigger wildlings wanting to learn everything about them and how to be just like them when she is older. She is an excitable young wildling and always wants to be around the older wildlings or try and figure out what she can be when she's bigger too. This can cause quite the problem for wildlings that do not know how to handle her excitement or playfulness since sometimes she is incredibly clumsy and bounds right into fragile objects or knocks over anything that has been neatly stacked up or prepared for something. She always feels guilty after something like this happens but that doesn't stop her from continuing her bouncing around later on! (Still a work in progress)

Other: (working on this from scratch)

Personality: (working on this from scratch)

Flaws: (working on this from scratch)