[single] Ash



7 years, 3 months ago


Paired with Aced-it's "Radiant Joy"

Name:    Shimmering "Ash" Lamina   (Ash being a nickname or her true Wildling name)

Age Range:  Adult

Clan:   Philoden   (Has been away from home for a VERY long time)

Back-story:   She is (or was depending on how I rp her) something of a protector or "Priestess" for Yggdrasil,  another of my ponies (ask if curious),  and she is almost always found near his true form (tree) or atleast within his forest.
If she is not there, it is most likely to collect necessities or other things.
She will never be found directly within a town, unless she is perhaps called for some reason to the castle for questioning about the tree itself.  Think of her as something like a representitive in this case.
She has been away from home for so long that it seems as though she has forgotten much about her past and friends or family, it almost seems as though she is afraid to return.

Other:  The way her hair shimmers shows that the tree has given a bit of it's eternal life to her or shares a small bit of its magic with her in return for her protecting it.  (this does not mean she cannot be killed however, it just means she lives longer than most ponies)
The leaves hanging off her sash are leaves straight from Yggdrasil himself, and are ash leaves. They are proof that she is his guardian. If she however gave this all up, her hair might lose it's shimmer and lay flat like a normal wildlings. She has another form she sometimes takes that changes her hair and pieces of her appearance but it seems this only happens when around fellow wildlings.

Personality:   A strong woman when it comes to her duties but very nervous around fellow wildlings. Once she's warmed up to someone though, she seems incredibly innocent, as if she never lost her innocence as a child, also sweet, generous and quite motherly to young ones.

Flaws:   Very self concious when it comes to being a wildling, for the longest time she hasn't recalled anything about being a wildling. She feels like if anyone saw her hair now, they'd judge her for being different and constantly attempts to hide it if anyone is near.