[taken] Sakabula



7 years, 3 months ago



Name:   Sakabula  (prefers Saka)

Age:   Adult

Species:   Wildling Unicorn

Clan:  Nerensis

Occupation:   Unknown what he does as he rarely talks to others

Likes:   Keeps this well hidden, but it seems as though his fur and mane are INCREDIBLY soft, he seems to enjoy keeping himself as soft and clean as he can. He also seems to enjoy fancy accessories and outfits, especially those with silky long feathers. Also enjoys tea and anything else relaxing, also sun bathing. MIGHT have a soft spot for sweets and honey and other wildlings that are similar to him in some way. Tends to be found relaxing in nature and enjoying the peace and silence, most likely so he can hear the ambience in a meadow or forest.

Dislikes:  Annoying or loud wildlings. Anything spicy as it harms his palette as he claims. Being soaked to the bone, his fur gets horribly matted and he basically looks like a giant walking mop due to the length of his fur. Also highly dislikes his saddle/cloak being damaged.

Personality:   Appears stand-offish and uninterested in wildlings around him, it seems as though most of Nerensis completely avoids this stallion as on the outside he seems quite pompous and irritable about everything. It's always either that or he'll simply roll his eyes and walk away silently if someone approaches him. Deep on the underside this does not seem to be the case at all. Seems to be a very proud individual and doesn't let anyone crush that.

More detailed info:

Saka as mentioned before, appears quite stand-offish to the rest of the clan, most wildlings assume he was just spoiled and thinks ill of all the others but in actuality this seems to not be the case at all. In reality, Saka actually grew up quite well off, his family WAS quite well off and he was quite spoiled but this was not what turned him into how he is now. The way he acts now is as it seems, a bit of an act that he insists to himself that he needs.

His family's success made him feel as though they didn't notice he was there, he always felt alone or like he was not of importance, and since he learned this feeling he grew up with the mindset that he had to be stronger for himself and distance himself from everyone else so that no one could make him feel this way again. He pushes others away himself simply so that he can't feel any pain from any arguments or others moving away or simply forgetting he's there. Sadly there are some very slim moments where his act betrays him and he's caught being his true self that he hides from anyone.

If a foal were to fall down, he'd help them up, if an older wildling needed help lifting something, he'd help them out too, hell if someone was hungry he'd give them his own snack if he had one. He often tries to hide any of these actions but there are very few wildlings that might have caught him in the act without him realizing.  (Such as Passerina)

On a side note, this wildlings fur and tail hair are unusually long, normally nerensis keep it short for easy swimming but perhaps this wildling isn't too fond of swimming. No one has caught him yet!

Paired with:   Talk going around of possibly having a thing for Dancer  (owned by Erinkarsath on DA)