[taken] Apotheosis



7 years, 3 months ago


Leader of the Echinoden Clan
Elder brother to Khalil



Name:   Apotheosis (Theo to close friends)

Age:   Adult  (not young adult, literal adult, he could have a kid)

Species:   Wildling Unicorn

Clan:  Appears to have philoden like traits but he highly denies this. It is currently unknown of what origin he is since he does not tell anyone.

Occupation:  Traveller first and foremost, he adores exploring.  He seems to also exchange goods, normally trinkets made from curious materials or cloth/fabric, sometimes even decorative carpets for sleeping on. Also appears to be of the Echinoden's leading family, although he seems to hide it well when hes off travelling.

Likes:   Boiled or fire cooked cactus, seeing new things and learning about magic he's never known about. He likes humming and singing as well. Often found relaxing out on a sand dune or on top of a ruin back home, watching the sunset over the sands of his land, it is this that seems to make him most at peace.

Dislikes:  The cold, his body seems to have very thin fur so its difficult to keep warm. He also highly dislikes his scarf being damaged or torn, please handle with care! Others calling him or his clan a bunch of Philoden's since they have become their own family of wildlings, even if they once were related in the past.

Personality:   He appears quite graceful and careful on his feet, always cautious of his surroundings and never wanting to harm a single thing. His mood seems to shift to curiosity and excitement whenever around any sort of ruins as this makes him want to learn everything about it and whether a higher magic was involved in the creation or old culture. He's relaxed, almost always smiling and pleasant to everyone, but do not ask about his origins, he will deny anything about where he is from unless he is close to another wildling, sometimes he will simply state that is of no importance or that no one needs to know.

More detailed info:

All that is currently known about this male wildling at first is that he seems to have a very sweet and charming singing voice and is often heard humming, whistling or singing when on the move with his goods either strapped to his back or dragged along behind him in a very small cart. He doesn't seem to own much, or at least, he doesn't carry much at all and chooses to merely sleep under a self made tent or on top of a fine fabric carpet he carries.
His magic also seems curious, he can form strange glyphs of light around himself or in front of himself and they restore things that are damaged such as his scarf, the downside is that this particular spell often drains a lot of his energy at a time, he apparently found this ability in a ruin somewhere and he refuses to explain where it might have been.
Another spell he uses somewhat often is a levitation spell, it allows him to float or "fly" for a certain period of time, however short it may be. It usually helps him get across gorges or rivers and such but he wont use it excessively outside of those purposes.
Will add more to this later.

Apparently, back in his home he is actually of high rank and he simply chooses to hide this from anyone he doesn't know well enough or trust. After all, why put the rest of his dear 'family' (as he calls his clan) at risk due to his silly mistakes. Although sometimes he acts like a normal every day Echinoden as well because blending in with his dear friends brings him much joy. He comes off as a very warm and friendly wildling even despite his standing in the clan.

His home is far in the sands of the desert, ruins seem to always be close by in some way, and it is quite clear that he is incredibly fond of carefully traveling through these ruins, although he also very passionately protects their safety. If a wildling were to damage these ruins he would be beside himself with frustration and possibly even forcefully take the wildling outside or away from the ruins to keep the sacred places safe.

Paired with:   Seems to spend much time with Passerina when visiting the Nerensis clan for trading possibilities.

Family:  His little brother is ErinKarsath's (same owner as passerina) wildling; Khalil.