Leopold Jamieson



3 years, 8 months ago


Character name: Leopold Jamieson
Age: 24
Occupation: Quarry Overseer (A bit of a composer on the side)
Status: Noble
Kingdom/Guild: Thundra 

Personality points: 

 Precise | Witty | Eloquent 

 Obstinate | Proud | Compliant 

 Credulous | Entitled | Hubristic 


- First born to his father Dalton Jamieson and mother Althea Jamieson. 

- The Jamieson House is known for overseeing it’s large quarry which produces high quality marble exports. 

- A long time blood feud has been going between the Jamieson’s and a nearby Marquess family, the eldest son of this family being a boy named Dominik (@/Pica). 

- In an attempt to finally get a leg up against the Cliffords, the Jamieson’s decide to have Leo begin courting a nearby heiress to another Marquess family named Marco (@Ani). The Clifford’s hear of this and Dominik begins vying for her hand as well, to hopefully once and for all claim victory over the Jamiesons.

- Leo and Dominik’s rivalry quickly amps up as they compete for Marco’s hand. 

- Is sent off to train as a proper soldier within the army, and of course Dominik just so happens to be doing the same. The rivalry of course continues, now with each trying to sabotage the other’s training. 

- The announcement that Thundra and The Riverlands will be allying in a joint effort to take out Winosa comes and Leopold can’t help but be disappointed with the decision. 

- Joins the war alongisde Dom and becomes quite well known for his strategy plans and deadly aim with a crossbow. Ending up in Dominik’s own unit and over time begrudgingly begins to respect his command and company.  

- When the unit is forced to join work alongside a Riverland unit headed by Ares (@Aki) Dominik expresses frustration with this and decides to rush the town without the Riverland’s backing them; Leo having shared this disgust at the idea of allying supported Dom’s decision.  

- The ambush goes miserably and nearly the entire battalion dies, all except for Leo and Dom. In a last stand a deadly blow that was aimed at Leo was intercepted by Dom and in a rush of fury Leo protects him until Ares’ unit arrives.

- Due to the rest of the Thundra soldiers being wiped out Leo and Dom are forced to stay with Ares’ unit while Dom heals. 

- Leo and Dominik are heralded as heroes upon their return. Awarded and decorated for all their successes on the battlefield. 

- The rivalry for Marco’s hand continues on. 

- Leo, Dominik, and Marco end up under Prince Percival’s court due to their status.