Sawyer Thicket



3 years, 8 months ago


Full name                    Sawyer Thicket 

ID Number                  06231920 

Classification            H

Date of Birth              1910-1920* 

Age                                 100-110* (physically early 20s) 

Gender                          Male (cis) 

Zodiac                            ???

Height                            6'0" 

Species                         Scarecrow/human spirit 

Race/Ethnicity            White 

Sexuality                       Bisexual 

Birthplace                     America

Likes                                ---

Dislikes                           ----

Fears                               ---

Personality                    ---

History                             Sawyer's memory of his past is quite fuzzy at times, but the foundation have been able to gather the details that he was born human, on his family farm sometime in the early 1900s. Sawyer apparently died young, assumed to have been in his late teens or early-20s, and it is suspected that his death was either a violent accident or murder, it is unclear which but it is quite obvious that the cause of death was incredibly traumatic. After death Sawyer's spirit possessed a scarecrow that stood on the property, Sawyer remained there long after his family had all died or moved on and the land, along with the home he had lived in, sat abandoned for many years. Sawyer eventually managed to control the scarecrow his spirit was housed within and used it to roam around the property, he'd become somewhat of a local urban legend among the teens in his hometown until he was found by the Grimoire Foundation. Sawyer's old home and land are now protected property under the Foundation with a strict no-trespassing policy for civilians. 


  • Sawyer receives aid from the Grimoire Foundation, keeps close contact with them, and has often agreed to come in for studies, but he still lives in the outside world, having chosen to remain on his old family farm, which Grimoire employees have fixed up for him 
  • *His exact birth date and age is unknown, but from the few details of everyday life and the world at the time that Sawyer remembers, the Foundation estimates him as having been born sometime between 1910-1920, and estimate that his death occurred  sometime around 1935