Brahm Baskervilles



3 years, 8 months ago





Shisune - Legendary



  • Job: Member of the Mothfia; Self-Proclaimed Hunter
  • Family: Luminia (Adopted Mother), The Mothfia (adopted family)
  • Shisune are a CS owned by Erii-Chii.

Design Notes

  • Theme: Brahim Moth CatterpillarĀ 
  • Tattoo: Both Cheeks
  • Traits:Curls ontop Ears, two long tails, large ears, single tatt.
  • Abilities: Brahm has the main ability to be able to communicate with catterpillars of his species. This namely goes in line with him being able to sense from them when something is wrong or he's in danger; Brahm is skilled in dueling with a blade and throwing knives. Not related to his shisune abilities, he is just really good at it; Brahm's large ears allow him to have more heightened and sensitive hearing, so he can hear a lot better than most can.


At a young age, Brahm was abandoned by his family and thus has no memory of them. He was alone for roughly two years until he was eventually taken into the Mothfia by Luminia. This group became like an adoptive family to Brahm, although he had some trouble getting along with others in the group. Being young meant he wasn't exactly considered skilled enough to do many missions. This pushed Brahm to want to learn to throw knives and eventually evolved to him learning to fight with any type of blades.

As a teenager, Brahm was considered old enough to take on missions, much to his adopted mother, Luminia's, dismay. Brahm has since been working for the Mothfia, mostly handling some matters pertaining to the Drugsune Mafia. Brahm has been in countless fights, including one where his eye was badly damaged by Crys (a member of the opposite Mafia). The action led Brahm to take a temporary leave from his jobs in the Mothfia until he was fully healed.
