Lickity-Split's Comments

You said 2k points? Would you be willing to hold em until I get home? I can pay then ^^

They're on hold for someone, but I'll let you know if they cancel!


Just wanted to ping you in case you would be interested :)


I can't pay directly bc my paypal got suspended but if I can get someone to comm me for $25 I can have them send the money directly to you 

I would prefer if they bought the 2k points and then sent them to me because my dad is getting annoyed with me having to use his money accounts all the time lol

I have 3 days to send them the points, so please just let me know :000

I only have 21 DA pts on my acc atm lol 

but I can probably try and save up the 2k points myself as I feel like it would be faster (I've got a big purge going on soon and the site I'm promoting on prefers DA pts as payment lol)

but if I do get a comm for £25 I can defo do that 

Sounds good, tysm :000 No worries if you cant do it