


3 years, 6 months ago


Name ida rudzka
Age 19
Gender female
Orient. bisexual
Food gazpacho
Love lisa
Slots 3/3

Ida Rudzka

clever as a devil and twice as pretty.

After getting caught vandalizing the fortune telling booth, Ida filled the guard job as punishment. She was unable to pay for the damages (which included spray painting and a punch dent) and so the staff at the arkade decided to put her to work. At first, Ida fumed bitterly but as time went on, she starts growing fond of the animatronic within and regrets vandalizing the booth. So here she is, working hard to keep the booth safe even though she’s long since worked off her debt. She wholeheartedly does her best at her job to protect the animatronic and believes she’s pretty good at it too! Frequently seen eating lollipops from that she won from the arkade (it’s the only game she’s good at).

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  • studded gloves
  • street food
  • gossip
  • painting nails


  • crimes
  • stuck ups
  • sewers
  • getting calls