Luminious's Comments

Hi there! Is this dude up for offers? I can offer art and custom charas if wanted!
This was one of my favorite designs I've ever made lol, if they are not ufo then I totally understand and I'm very happy they are getting love ^w^

While I really do love this design he's a bit too complicated for me so I'd love to get either art or a character for him! He's an amazing design but I think he'd get more love with you

Awesome! I would prefer to do a custom design for you as I think it would be fair :D

Would you like me to make up a custom form for you? I can dm it to you or if you'd like to exchange discords/instagrams ^^

I'd love a custom design! I respond easier on discord so my discord is Astrophel_66#6220

I'm gonna be honest, I really like this character. Does anyone in my UFO or Ocs interest you? 

i didint see anyone unforchelntly the ones i liked are in your secondary and Mains, asmodaus really caught my eye 

Unfortunately Asmodaus isn't UFO at the moment but I'll let you know if he ever is!

Alright!^^ but yea I didint see anyone ;v;

I’m willing to sell him to you for 25$ though!

I will get back to you on that! I'm super interested though!