Alexander | 1519



3 years, 8 months ago


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Rational • stubborn • eager to learn


Alexander is a scientist through and through. He is silent and often in thoughts. His greatest hobby is his research on the effect of petrification on living cells. (His second favourite research subject is geology.) The tall esk can be rather stubborn and not easy to talk to, because he likes to be alone to conduct his research.
Nonetheless, he does appreciate the companionship of other esk that love science as much as he does and he just cannot deny that he enjoys teaching and sharing his knowledge with those interested. His rationality can sometimes be very difficult for others, as he does not perceive many emotional things in a way they do.
However, that doesn't mean that he has no heart, it's just well hidden underneath those countless layers of shaggy fur.


origin traveler . nature rational . boundary Arizonan flatland . size lofty

species esk . collection MYO . designer Caliki and fiachmara

uncommon traits socks, false ears
rare traits piebald
nature features purple three-awn (Aristida purpurea)

elemental petrification


  • researching
  • science
  • teaching
  • learning


  • loud noise
  • bothersome esk
  • interruptions
  • garbage left by humans

" ~ "



Alexandra Lapisen was born in Arizona and a paleontologist and geologist.
From a young age, she had been collecting fossils from around her home, always dirty and always digging holes all around her families old barn.
Once old enough, she studied paleontology and geology, writing her master thesis on petrification. The research she conducted in Arizona's Petrified Forest would keep her busy up until she was of old age. Her home closer resembled a museum than a space for living. Alexandra never really had a family, but a loving wife, with whom she loved to travel around the world. Eventually, her wife died in her sleep of old age one day. 

Grief-stricken, Alexandra ventured out into the plains of Arizona, where she would soon meet her fate too.

When Vetru found the elderly scientist, they sensed that she was already lost in more ways than one and released her soul from her body, creating Alexander.
The tall esk named himself, because it was the only thing he vaguely remembered. This, and his love for science and petrification.
Vetru noticed that the new esk still seemed incomplete, so they asked what the tall one was desiring and when Alexander replied that he wanted to continue his research, Vetru
granted him the element of petrification, if in return, he would help them to keep the plains save. Alexander agreed and has since felt that he was in the wanderers debt.


- his favourite spot is the petrified forest of Arizona, even though it is not in his boundary
- he can break up his horns into as many small pieces as he wants
- upon will, things touched by him or his stones, become petrified or unpetrified (it does only temporary work on animals and humans and leaves no damage or trace)
- Esk he tries to petrify just freeze for a while. (He often uses this to make them stop annoying him while he does his research)
- He enjoys travelling to exciting places, however, he dislikes towns and cities and anything else that disrupts nature's beauty
- He might or might not have a secret collection of various fossils from all over the world
- Alexander does not like nicknames, he especially despises the nicknames Al and Alex
- when alone and happy, he likes to lay in flowers and braid them into his long windswept fur

1519_by_esk_masterlist_dcli38f-fullview.Reference Art 🔗

• You CAN draw them.
• You can ASK before writing about them.

Design Notes
• His feet have three toes that resemble deer feet in a way, except theyre not split
• his piebald markings are symmetrical except for the ones on his face

Species Notes
• This species does not have a mouth!
• This species cannot blink!

 • BADGES • 




16th of August 2019: Created ??? via transformation
30th of August 2018: Transformation (Vetru GH MYO)

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