Solas | 2030



3 years, 8 months ago


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Cryptic • enigmatic • curious


gender: genderless, but referred to as "he", sometimes "they"

Solas's behaviour is very cryptid, to say the least. He never speaks, he just observes, trying to understand.
Esk that encounter him describe him as enigmatic, ambiguous and strange. Others despise him because he doesn't react to any words or actions and they just don't know what to think of him.
Solas seems emotionless as he doesn't understand words and gestures, danger and joy, helping and hurting. He is genuinely unaware of the consequences of his doing.
His silent observant stare sometimes causes animals and humans to feel a shiver down their spines, without really knowing what causes it.

Nonetheless, despite his alienating behaviour, all he truly seeks is to learn and understand what it means to be an esk and what it means to exist.


origin abnormal . nature cryptic . boundary vast underground tomb . size miniature

species esk . collection MYO . designer Caliki

uncommon traits sleek, spurs, specks
rare traits solid color, flexible tail, pale eyes
nature features gold (aurum)
mutations multiples (eyes), horns (one), "partially sleek" tail
original form masterful rapier


  • learning and observing
  • gold
  • mirrors
  • bones


  • moonlight
  • small spaces
  • decay
  • silence

" ~ "



Solas was transformed somewhen during the golden ages (between 1650 and 1730).
The wanderer X had recently found a liking in pirates, as they considered them very interesting humans - very different and much more adventurous than the noble humans in their fine housing, even if fairly barbaric.
What interested them even more though, where all the treasures that the pirates hoarded during their surprisingly short life times. Often they let themselves be buried alongside their treasures, so X enjoyed exploring their tombs and crypts, looking for lost treasures of human craftsmanship and objects with unfinished stories.
One of them was a masterfully crafted rapier with beautiful golden hilt rings that X found in a French pirate lord's vast underground tomb.
X was very content with their creation, but left quickly, fearing they could miss the conquer of new worlds and the discovery of new treasures while he was busy transforming.

The new esk awoke, catching only a glimpse of his creator. He was there, amidst death and darkness, rat squeaks, bones, spider webs and lost golden treasures.
His purpose? He didn't know. His reason to be? He didn't know. In fact, he didn't know anything, he didn't understand anything.
When lost in daydreams, he would see blurry red visions and smell something salty that he couldn't name.

Unsure of what to do, what he was, where he was and when he was - he waited... until there was light.
Eventually Archaeologists discovered the underground pirate tomb, but not before over 300 years had passed since the creation of the small esk.
When Solas saw the light of the sun for the first time, he understood that there was more to his exsitence than darkness.


- 300 years alone in a dark tomb has caused Solas to develop unnaturally good hearing and vision
- However, since he never truly trained it, he has trouble controlling his natural telekinetic powers
- Solas is especially drawn to strong magic and emotions in hopes to learn new things
- He enjoys very high places because they allow him to observe things better
- He also enjoys the dark, but not so much the moonlight
- Solas gets very confused by rain, hail and snow because until his recent release, he never saw or felt it before
- He also gets confused when things get stuck or are placed on his horn
- His favourite things seem to be bones and golden things, he appears to relax around them (maybe they remind him of his home)
- 2030's biggest fascination are mirrors, he can get stuck in front of them for days, even weeks

2030_by_esk_masterlist_dcwsrr0-fullview.Reference Art 🔗

• You CAN draw them.
• You can ASK before writing about them.

Design Notes
• the hilts around his neck are not symmetrical, they have a slightly wavey shape
• Solas is about the size of a small cat

Species Notes
• This species does not have a mouth!
• This species cannot blink!

 • BADGES • 




15th of March 2019: Transformed ??? (-150 GP)
9th of March 2019: Received Blessing (Mountain Event)
30th of January 2019: Added Hummingbird Familiar (-0 GP, Voucher)
30th of January 2019: Removed Spurs and Flecks (-20 GP)
2nd of January 2019: Transformation (X's GH MYO)

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