Cassius Edwards



3 years, 8 months ago


Full name                    Cassius Edwards 

Nicknames                  Cass

ID Number                  10151890 

Classification            SS

Date of Birth              October 15th, 1890 

Age                                 130 (physically mid-20s) 

Gender                          Male (cis) 

Zodiac                            Libra 

Height                            6'6" 

Species                         Vampire/human 

Birthplace                     England

Sexuality                       Bisexual 

Likes                                ---

Dislikes                           ---

Fears                               ---

Personality                    ---

History                            Cassius was born to a wealthy family in London, upon his birth, he appeared fully human so nothing strange was suspected of him. However; his mother had a terrible secret, having had an affair with a vampire behind her husband's back, she knew Cassius was not truly a human child. Cassius's mother did everything she could to hide her son's true nature from the world for his own safety, using holy items, prayers, and blessings, for a time, seemed to keep his vampiric side at bay. However, as he got older, this side of him only grew stronger- the rituals and charms his mother used to keep him human did not serve their purpose any longer, instead, they could now only hurt Cassius. His mother couldn't bear this burden, she didn't want to be responsible for her own son's death, but she was also afraid of what would happen to him if anyone else were to find out what he was. When the opportunity came upon her, Cassius's mother took him away from their home and left him in the care of an old acquaintance of hers. Afterward, she claimed Cassius had "mysteriously disappeared", there were searches for him and buzz around town for a while about the case, but eventually, the community forgot about Cassius. Cassius was then raised in secret by his mother's former friend, who cared for him as best she could and carefully hid him from society as he became less and less human. After his caretaker's death, Cassius continued to lie low and survive only through sneaking out at night to supply his needs, up until the late 1970s, when he came out of hiding to participate in equal rights movements that had sprung up in support of beings like himself. In the early 90s, while overseas in America, intending to start fresh after his struggles in England, he was taken in by Casper Grimoire, who had just founded the Grimoire Foundation, and he has worked for the Foundation ever since. 


  • Can transform into a bat, as well as altering his human body to have some bat-like features without fully transforming (EX: turning his arms into giant bat wings), his full bat form is the same size as a normal bat