Dominic Freitas



3 years, 11 months ago


Dominic freitas
❛❛ the wandering prophet with a wealth of secrets.


Age 27 years old
Gender Agender (he/it)
height 6' 3" | 1,90 m
Sexuality Bisexual
D.o.B March 3rd 
Nationality Brazilian
talent Ultimate Puppeteer (former)
Ultimate Prophet (current)
Ethnicity Black Latino
Aesthetics — 

Traits — 







  • butterflies 
  • the ocean
  • the color gold
  • sheeps
  • rainy days
  • the concept of fate
Design Notes — 

Dominic is a tall, black man with a strong build. He has wide shoulders and considerably defined muscles. His arms and chest are slightly hairy, as well as his face and chin. His dark skin is filled with scars and golden tattoos. His nails are short, as clean as they can be. Finally, his eyes are orange colored, often adding an emptiness to his expressions.

The puppeteer wears a yellow and gold poncho with two suns printed on his chest, as well as white pants. When he’s not barefoot, Dominic chooses to walk on flip flops. On his left ear, he has an earring that’s similar to a chain of the same kind that helps him to control his puppet, Jerry. He wears no necklaces and no rings.

  • His weight is 198 lbs | 89 kg.
  • Has a lot of scars.
  • Also has a lot things written all over its body; prophecies, of course.
    For that reason, it doesn't stare at itself in the mirror too much.

Trivia — 

Dominic was theChapter 4 Killer in The Arcadia. 

  • The thought of merely existing as himself gives him palpitations. Dominic is anxiously devoted and simultaneously terrified of the God that pulls his strings. The puppeteer thinks he is something that shouldn’t exist, a holy monster forged by fire, bright as a lighthouse: both shelter and warning at once. It firmly believes that being the chosen one is more of a curse than a blessing, so it martyrizes itself as it feels it’s been losing its own being to something beyond its control. Dominic talks to no one but himself and, over the years, he feels like his sanity is being washed away — or at least, what’s left of it is hiding under all the golden ink in his body.

    The puppeteer has a sadness about him you only see in catholic stained glass windows. He copes with the loss of his individuality in the only way he knows: always bringing a piece of home with him, his puppet, who is nothing but a cheap imitation of what he once was when things were easier, when life was kinder.

  • Currently living in Madrid, Spain. 
  • His full name is Dominic Oliveira Freitas, and his puppet's name is Jerry.
  • Dominic is not deaf, but it uses sign language to communicate anyway.
  • Its name is actually spelled as "Dominique", but after moving away from Manaus, Brazil, it decided to make its name sound more pronounceable to the masses. 

  • More about his backstory can be found here.
Playlist — 

It Happened Quiet

End Of All Days                                      Thirty Seconds To Mars

Where Do We Draw The Line                      Poets of the Fall

Puppet Loosely Strung                                    The Correspondents

 code by jiko