Bo Arlwyn [Married]



7 years, 4 months ago


What can you honestly say about this chunk of raw, brutal power? 

...Well okay, maybe that is a bit too much bragging for even me.

The  name is Boadicea Allegra Arlwyn, but that is way too much of a mouthful  so just call me Bo.

Even having escaped the underdark. the things  that still haunt my family continue to destroy the little joys we had  found... But with my wife, and my brother by my side i will fight on,  And fulfill the dreams we all hold so dear.

My life has always  felt forfeit, ever since my carelessness led to the death of the other 9  members of the crew. This.. This including Captain Moreghin, the woman  that raised me regardless of the looks and the distaste that came from  caring for a tiefling like myself. The only mother i ever really knew.

 I got pulled into that damned necromancers clutches with such a simple  lie. I truly thought that my real mother had to be that evil woman. And  in the process lost my family to her dark powers, when i get to the  surface i know what i must do.

I must find a ship, and become  strong enough to challenge that necromancer. Those 9 remain as undead  tools, and they need to be released from their eternal anguish.

Only  then can i truly feel my life is my own, and not some debt paid for by  my family. If I'm to give myself to this new family of mine- for though  I'd give them my life gladly- They deserve more than a glass cannon. To  be free i need to do this. Then i can finally stand above my sins.

I  once claimed i killed ten people of the crew that day, was it wrong to  have included myself in that number? I am not the same as i once was...

"The true warrior fights not because she hates the one in front of her, but because she loves those behind her".

“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a  light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going  to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just  because that's who he is.”

Remember the Names.
*Captain, Moreghin Cardinal (Red Dragonborn Paladin)
*First Mate, Boadicea Cardinal (Tiefling...)
*Cook, Dagnal Battlehammer (Dwarf Beserker)
*Cook, Portia Tealeaf (Halfling Druid)
*Gunnery, Umara Sepret (Human Ranger)
*Spy, Mara Windrivver (Human Rogue)
Rhogar (Green Dragonborn Wizard)
Perra (White Dragonborn Tempest Cleric)
Raava 'Kinless' Vaimei-Laga (Goliath War Cleric)
*Shava Xiloscient (High Elf Knowledge Cleric)

Height: 6'6"
215 lbs

Gender: Female Tiefling

Hair: Very short, pale blonde.

Full Name:
Boadicea Allegra Arlwyn (Bo Nightshade.)

You  see before you that this tiefling looks a bit too cheery for your  comfort. Whilst it's a bit odd to see you suppose stranger things exist  in this world. She has somewhat prominent horns and a rather bright  complexion, lean with muscle. The figure wears a harness and shoulder  plate but is seemingly remiss in regards to a shirt, she is supporting a  Javelin on her arm, as you watch her for a while you notice her throw  it through a dart board with a shout of "Javelub!". Well that happened.

It  all starts off rather unsure, for even Bo herself can not say just how  she winded up on a pirate's ship; Nor just why the crew had chosen to  raise some Tiefling waif as if it were one of their own. 

But  for as long as she can remember she was raised upon the pirate vessel  under the care of its Captain. Moreghin- or Morgan as she has always let  Bo call her. An intense and often witty Red Dragon-born with a serious  desire to scout the entirety of the seas and learn all of the secrets  left out there, she named Bo after her grandmother and thus Boadicea  Allegra Cardinal was raised fondly by the crew of around 8 people.

All  valiantly loyal and determined in their own regard. They slowly taught  her the ways of the sea and of the land, teaching her basics about coin  and trade so that she'd be able to function should they dock for long  duration's of time, although they never quite managed to help her pin  down reading or writing... She picked up speaking rather quickly, though  often spoke in a tongue the crew were not familiar with. They didn't  know where she picked it up.

With  the changing seasons and adventures, it was no doubt that eventually  the child began to grow into her own. She took up the javelin under her  Captain's instruction and chose to learn the Falchion on her own, her  curiosity knew no bounds and whilst she loved her crew- she had began to  wonder. Where had she come from?

No  one seemed to have the answers she craved, and when finally she was  mature enough- and considered a woman by the rest of the crew- not just  their little Bo, She began to take their dry docks more seriously. She  scoured the streets of each passing village for information about  Tieflings- and the activities that they got up to.But  what she found was not exactly what she'd hoped for. Without the others  beside her people tended to become wary and distrustful of her, many a  store refused to serve her and others flat out became rather aggressive.  But what had she done to upset these people so?!

She began to  become accustomed to people calling her the devil's child, as if she  were some sort of curse - her very life. She still didn't understand. So  she ran. And she decided to remain on the ship from then on. Captain  Morgan did not try to convince her otherwise.


Arah: She regrets just how oblivious she can be sometimes, she knows how Arah  has felt about keeping aspects of their relationship kept behind closed  doors. Her wife has always been so kind about her understanding of Bo's  nervous and easily embarrassed habits regarding their PDA, and whilst  Bo truly enjoys when Arah gets a little upset. (Some may think Arah's  attitude toward Bo cruel sometimes, but honestly Bo wouldn't have it any  other way. To know Arah worries to that point is somewhat reassuring of  the halfling's feelings. And no one else could ever hope to keep Bo in  line after all. She's forgotten to withdraw from combat too many times  not to have Arah keeping an eye on her rages.)

And although  sometimes she feels she's withdrawn too much, held back too much  affection for her wife. She can feel the tax its put upon Arah as she  stresses over Bo's well being... Perhaps its time to make amendments..  To risk being more upfront around their family. So that Arah doesn't  feel the need to slip away to fix problems with just Bodhi and Lo'Kag.  And not just that, She's gonna prove just how much she loves  Arah. Even if it takes her entire life to prove to the halfling that  she's more than just some burden upon Bo. She will help to kill away those doubts.

Bodhi: He's  somewhat of a child in her  view, but that might just come from her  knowledge that he's never been on the surface and doesn't really seem to  understand some generic things about life. And she sees that now more  than ever before... His perseverance and determination to help save Arah brought them closer again, She wants to show him the surface and how life can be great, her son... she has a son... It's... quiet uptown. I would have loved to show you just how peaceful the surface can be..

Lo'Kag: In  her heart, Lo is the closest thing to a brother that she has ever  found. He's a bit of the stoic sort and seems to keep a lot of his cards  to his chest, but for the guidance he gave to Arah... He's earned Bo's  favor for sure. And she is rather eager to pay him back by showing him  the guidance of dealing with the karma.. the sins of the past. How to  channel that fury and anger into something that can protect the people  he cares about, she won't see him lost to blood rage if she can help it  so... If the big guy ever has a problem, He'll know who to call!

Shit,  this lil lightning bolt seems to be a bit impulsive sometimes. She  feels that she has to make a more conscious effort to keep him from  sacrificing his life for the party. Not to mention the  bloody demon deal! It could just be her silly ol' worries though, she  knows he's a valued comrade and friend!

Kiddo's  got a huge heart, that's for sure! Especially when it comes to that Red  Dragon's that they've got their hands on, If anyone could raise it to  be a good and well meaning ... dragon- It'd surely be Sariel, And with  such a cute little ... kiddy dragon- (That Bo likes to call Tizzy!)  there is still a lot to do. So much for Bo to teach her about  the world and stuff. Maybe they'd both wanna live on the ship when they  all get to the surface?

Theo: Bloody hell. Just.. It was simple, she'd gotten to a place where she could settle her  opinion- true enough her rages had pulled out some reactions regarding  still protecting the bard. But that could be linked to a mindless rage  kinda dealio.. But knowing that she's pregnant with Martyn's kid? That's  just something she can't ignore whilst maintaining her good Conscience. True that she's not mad anymore. That she wants to make amends.. I'm very bloody conflicted about this.. we'll see what she does from now.. if she could still be a sister..

A  very well meaning individual, Aren't paladins sworn to some sort of  oath of protection and well meaning? Well she's fairly sure he'd keep  any innocent person safe from harm if the world would allow him to. Heck. She's sure this guy will become a pretty good friend! Just needs to get him drunk so they can have funny conversations!

Bo's Soundtrack: The Ballad of a Pirate Barbarian