Apollo Elvine



3 years, 6 months ago


'We'll be the envy of the gods above!'

-Cult of Dionysus [The Orion Experience]

Height - 1'8''

Home Universe - ROSALIVERSE [Meteos AU]

Occupation - Demisage of Fate

PLAYLIST - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtXIZSZLGHSo5t1fZnqaAUKmZ9Eaaw4EO

A powerful oracle, blessed by the Seven Sages above to carry out the duty of a teller of ill fate in exchange for most of his memory, Apollo is... oddly enough, a bit of a joke. While his vast psychic ability may be intimidating and his tendency to pop up at the least optimal moments can be frustrating, he hasn't any intention of causing any harm or doing anything. He revels in luxury, his own ego and the confusion of others, and incorporates this desire to be an enigma into his innovative methods of saying 'Hey loser, you're going to die in 4 weeks' to his unlucky targets, along with other psychic abilities.

--- Abilities ---

Being quite literally divine grans one plenty of power, as one would assume, and he is well equipped to carry out the job he half-cares about doing.

DIVINATION - Quite an obvious ability for him to have. He's able to accuratley see the future almost at will, usually utilizing this to peer into the untimely fate of a 'target.' However, this can't exactly be done on the fly, as it requires him to 'conk out' and fall completely unresponsive on the spot, leaving him open to many attacks such as being punted, a smack on the head, any kind of attack ever, being punted, and many more.

TELEKINESIS - Possibly his most-used ability. Moving shit with his mind. He often uses this to keep himself hovering in the air at all times, and using a silk pair of deep violet gloves as disembodied hands. This, due to his extensive practice, doesn't really have downsides at all.

BOOSTING - A naturally occuring ability his species posseses. Using biological boosters on the sides of his head, he can boost himself in any direction extremely fast, acting like a jump or just a fast way to get out of there.

TELEPATHY - He can read your thoughts. Nobody is safe. Well, except if you have the mental functions of a rabid puppy, but potato, tomato. Similarly to divination, being able to read a targets thougts requires him to space out, leaving him staring expressionless right into your fucking soul. Full-on yelling about dumb shit in your brain, however, alos causes him to fall over on his dumb face, knocked out.

INVISIBILITY - He can do this. Yeah. Turn himself invisible at will. However, this has effected his eyesight overtime, and currently he has to wear a contact lens to counteract it. His vision's shit while invisble, too, so he often ends up bonking into thinks like an idiot.

ILLUSIONISM - This bitch can create illusions. However, the difficulty in doing so is.. varied. First and most common application is 'disguises,' new, false forms he assumes to fill roles he should not be in. This specific application, however, causes memory problems. Once he actually got stuck in a role so hard he wouldn't stop LARPing as it for a couple days. It was embarrasing for all parties involved. 

A second use he has for the illusion-creating is full on concentrated audiovisual hallucinations. This causes a super fucking horrid headache, however, so he doesn't do it often.

DIMENSION-HOPPING - This was self-taught, and usually done out of boredom, or if there's a dimension that has an interesting 'subject' to annoy. How does he do it? Well, of course, the long-exalted technique of Backwards Long Jumping. He considers himself an expert on the art of it, and often uses the terminology that comes with learning such an.. unique way of getting around the multiversal plane. This has landed him in quite a few predicaments, but isn't that the fun part?

Another note:

He speaksin this font. Speaks in this font. Don't ask why or how. I hardly know, either.