


3 years, 7 months ago


Naturally female, but shapeshifts into genderless or male around those she is uncomfortable around or does not trust fully.

Pronouns go along with body shape at the time.

When angered or scared, their soft paws unsheath very large and sharp claws. Horns, teeth, and eyes glow.

Typically a quiet sort, Lupius is often found by themself walking through nature, collecting rocks, or tending her herb garden. Their favorite activity is going out during the nighttime to watch the stars and moon, and she is always accurately knowledgeable of the moon phases, eclipses, or star showers.


Lupius has not always felt the need to shift her physical appearance, and actually lived very happily entirely as a female until her and her partner, Sawyer, had a terrible falling out. Sawyer and Lupius had been together for many years, happy and extremely compatible, even planning the rest of their life together. Lupius had agreed to marry Sawyer within a few years time, once they had both worked hard and got money saved. As the next year passed, Sawyer grew ever distant from Lupius. Concerned, Lupius became snoopy, and found that Sawyer had been speaking with and even seeing other females behind her back. She was devastated. Heartbroken, but hopeful, Lupius tried to push aside her anger and distrust to make things work. In the end, she made the entire relationship a living hell for them both, and sadly, they split.

It's been years now, neither of them having spoken the entire time, but Lupius still has Sawyer on her mind every waking day. She puts off an act that she is okay, and that she does not think of him anymore to please the ones around her. Her heart aches, and she wishes more than anything that they could be together once more, or at least to try. Sawyer, however, was equally hurt by Lupius' actions at the end of their relationship, and cut any way of contact between the two, leaving her no options. She weeps, and aches, every day, hoping for the return of her love.

After this, Lupius cut herself off from everyone, viewing the end of the relaionship not only in the way that everyone will hurt them, but also that they will hurt the people they loves. This began the shifting for Lupius. They are hardly ever physically a female, opting instead to show the masculine side of her form, to protect herself as well as scare others off.