

3 years, 8 months ago


(any pronouns besides it/its)


 An escaped subject from one of Frank’s projects, difficult to tell if they are robotic or organic in origin but as they stand now, they are an unstable mixture of the two. They escaped before they were “finished” and are unsure how long they’re going to function for. TCT fully intends to make the most of whatever time they do have by doing everything they can to help the most vulnerable members of the research population, which are the children who are being raised to be guinea pigs. They also aim to cause as much damage possible to the people complicit in allowing people to be used or hurt. TCT is gentle and caring around young people and has a nurturing nature, they have good intuition about what to do and how to comfort. Around adults they’re like an entirely different person, cold, distant, curt, and openly threatening. They expect the worst of people and do not trust others, they can be downright vicious if their children are put in harms way. If someone does in fact harm or threaten any child, they will be ruthless in their retaliation. If in a safe environment where they can let their guard down, TCT is pretty goofy and relaxed, they tend to observe from the outside but will drape themself over people they’re comfortable with. They make the people around them feel valued and loved. They do not care what their children call them, and answer to numerous titles. 

Their children are: Chirp, Bana, Gus, Lexi, and Grimm