Kyrie The Crab



Basic Info








Blue Crab








05 October


Trainee Mage

Home Kingdom

The Sea Kingdom


Kyrie is a sweet and caring young girl with a bright mind and a pocket full of sunshine. She is a trainee mage for the royal family under her fathers guidance and will one day take over as the head of the support team, but for now she's busy being a kid and learning all she needs to know to help heal others. Kyrie takes her position very seriously and basically lives at her fathers clinic at the hospital learning all she can about healing patients and helping others and even on her breaks she goes nosing around the palace seeing what she can do to help out which is how she came to know the princess of the palace and by extension the current regent. Kyrie doesn't like the current regent much and doesn't understand her hatred of men or why her father is the only man allowed in the palace while she is in charge and Kyrie misses the Princess dearly as she was quite close to her. Despite basically living at the palace when Kyrie see's her friends she loves to go out and about exploring the outside sea bed and picking up pretty shells and corals to take home as well as playing with the sea life. Kyrie absolutely loves animals and hates anyone who pollutes or hurts the animals in the surrounding areas so much so that if she see's anyone scaring them she'll swoop in and give them the lecture of a life time. Aside from her lecturing others about how to treat the local wildlife being teased about the seaweed growing out the side of her head is another thing that she doesn't like so much. After a mistake as a child now she has seaweed permanently attached to her head and while she tries to trim it and keep it in check she can't ever get it to stop growing and sometimes she wishes she could just rip it out to make the few people who do tease her about it stop.


Magic, Pretty Corals/Shells & Having Fun


Shouting, Not Knowing Things & Strong Torrents Of Wind/Water

Favorite Food

Crunchy Snacks & Salt Water

Fun Facts

• The seaweed in her shell acts like a living plant and grows, she sometimes prunes it! • She doesn't like being on land very much and while she still visits it for events she avoids it avidly.